Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Life forms are trapped inside a

Virtual Capsules

What this really mean?

There is no distinction between the Life of an ant or elephant when they are not placed inside the capsule. The mystics achieve the feat of breaking free from the virtual capsule and get into another capsule.

An ant can perceive what an elephant perceive by merely getting out of its own capsule and enter that of an elephant’s.

Each and every life is trapped into a virtual capsule and we can call them the Space-time capsule.

A life entrapped into a capsule:

(1) Has a finite life-time applicable that specie the capsule represent.

(2) They occupy a small and finite space in the universe, relevant to the specie the virtual capsule represent.

Why is this done so?

The universe is designed in such a way that every one of life forms remain active within that single large space.

They interact with each other but yet unharmed.


The act of placing the lives within the virtual capsule is explained by our knowledgeable ancestors as an act of Goddess Maya. That is because they could not explain it in any other way. Today, we can take the technology to help us.

We can take a few examples from our life and gadgets that we use today.

Take the Electromagnetic waves all around  us. The TV, Radio, Communication systems, satellite Mobile phones emit a large amount of these waves.

Each one of them is put inside a large virtual capsule in a way, that we don’t see them. The encapsulation also helps that they do not interfere with each other.

A collection of TV signals are bunched together and put in another virtual capsule within another large virtual capsule. They can be broken and put to use in Televisions only. The Collection of Mobile Phone signals are encapsulated if a different way.

When required, the capsule is broken in such a way that so that it is put to use without adversely affecting rest of the Electronics and communication systems.

The role of virtual capsule!

Now the virtual capsule ensures that the signals from different devices do not get mixed up.

The signals remaining totally isolated and staying within the virtual capsule also do not benefit us.

So, the technology of communication, opens the virtual capsule at the right-time at the right place for the desired effect.