Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

The Structure of Universe

(A) Universe modelled as a

earth, that we live in.

(B) Universe modelled as a

Conscious tree

The universe is filled with the lives projected by the conscious entities. They are all in one space. But are organised in a structure.

It can be thought of as a two dimensional structure or a tree structure, (a three dimensional).

(A) Two dimensional model of universe.

Let us go back to the Chapter titled Universe. Then the topic Citizen Of Universe.

There is a vast land (and ocean) that by itself does not restrict your movement from one place to other. Something else do restrict.

What are they?

The invisible boundaries. The linguistic, cultural that block a person from moving into its space. The Language spoken becomes another boundary.

The modern Society as such have establishments that selectively allow some people for some time.

We have Governments, visa policy that further restricts migration of people.

The idea that invisible boundaries restricting the conscious entities to function within the given space, is applicable to universe as well.

So, for several generations, people lived in small geographical area.

(B) Three dimensional model. The Universe modelled as a Conscious tree.

Imagine, Universe as a tree.

Tree as one life!

Mystics, all over the world have attempted to catch a glimpse of God but ended-up getting an idea about universe.


Mystics and scientists learn through processes that are unfamiliar to common man. Even the description of what they find is beyond our understanding.

But, there are several events and lives around us that compare the description of the universe.

The essence is:

  • Universe is like one large life.
  • The largest of the Space-time entities.
  • That in turn, contain or made-up of, several Space-time entities, which are large and small Space-time entities.
  • A tree is one of Several such examples of how the universe is made of lives that have micro-organisms with very short Space-time compared to the humans.

We see a tree as a single life.

  • With this as a model, we can explore perceived the how the mystics perceived the Universe.

Each plant species has a typical life-time. But, we hardly observe ac plant life is composed of several lives. Also that each such life with different life-times. More precisely, different Space-times. In a tree there is one large trunk.

From the trunk, several Branches grow-out. Typically the branches become progressively smaller. Finally every branch of the tree have the leaves-flowers - fruits.

Besides the lives listed above, there are several other lives that are in the tree. The birds, the worms, insects that are visible to us. These are not considered as part of the plant / tree. But they cannot be separated from the tree.

  • The tree, above the ground, has only one trunk. That is what appear first. Not only that, it would be the last to disappear when the tree die..
  • Each branch has Leaves (flowers, fruits) and also branches.
  • The leaves, (also the flowers, fruits) have typically have a life-cycle of One year.
  • Every year the old leaves die away and new leaves. So also the flowers and fruits on it.
  • Life cycle of different branches is definitely larger than the leaves and flowers. But less than the life of the trunk .

When the tree dies away, the last part to  die is the Trunk.

Let us stop the discussion here for a while to get an idea about Conscious element & its working.

Conscious Element / entity

Example 1

Universe in a very large conscious entity.

Take for example, any of the transport vehicles that we use to day.

A car, an aircraft, ship, locomotive engine.

They are just one entity. They perform a well defined functions.

But it is built using several thousand parts.

There are very very small screws, nuts, electronic part to large wheels. Some move in two dimension, some rotate, some others stationary.

Each one of the parts in such devices are positioned in such a way that • They remain in the same position until it is worn-out and discarded.

  • They are interconnected.
  • Every part need to perform in co-ordination with the rest of the parts - big and small.
  • Together they perform as a single entity.

The relation between the universe and the lives in it can be compared to a transport vehicle and the thousands of small and big parts with which it is built.

Example 2

Take an enterprise or a Government.

There are several individuals in one entity called Government.

It is not just one person. But millions of them.

There are leaders, various officials, with capabilities such as knowledge, skills differing from one another. There are a large variety of equipment and working place,

They all work together to deliver the objective called Governance.


I always felt, from the way the life and rebirth were explained there is something wrong with our understanding.

Imagine that Universe, the largest Entity as a very large computer program. This code consists of several small and big codes within it.

It appears that each small and big code described above is not executed in one go.

They are executed in several small steps.

Each one code is a process with a unique process ID. Each code is executed in co-ordination with the rest of the Codes.

Each execution step is a life - rebirth followed by death.

When the code is executed till the end, the process ID is removed and there is no rebirth subsequently.

  • In Coomputer program execution, the current execution has a strong influence on the past and also in future executions.
  • Eastern mystics call such dependence of current situation to past as Causation or Karma.

What could be purpose of lives produced in the universe?

To feed the hungry eagle! Or Garuda!

The Shaman Mystics talk about the Great Eagle! The Garuda! The Eastern Mystics talk about the eagle hungry for knowledge.

When any life dies, the eagle devour the knowledge that the live gathered.

In my analysis, which can be a total rubbish, the universe is static. The contents or parts of universe is dynamic.

Is Life (unreal) Maya?

Because it is transient!

  • The conscious entity are real and they projects a life.
  • Every conscious is unique. There is a conscious corresponding to every life in the universe.

The lives in it, like you me and the entire specie are transient. All are the creations of Conscious elements

They are comparable to light that glows as long as the current flows through the electric bulb.

The sound of a bell when it rings, smell or aroma of food emanating from kitchen. Smoke from a Fire are all transients, The bell and food are real.