Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Lives Liberated

perform super human feats

There are people known as saints, Siddas who has capabilities beyond normal human beings.

Their feats are called Siddi, the mystic or yogic powers.

They expresses in thought every possible ways as how one can get those powers.

Let us examine them.


Process to get yogic powers:


A Smith uses an anvil to place the metal and work on it. A cobbler uses a small anvil for making or repairing the shoes.

Thoughts reach us for necessary processing - thinking and actions. thoLet us refer is place in every life as thought processor.

The thoughts arrive at a place (similar to Smith’s anvil) anvil in the thought processor.

The thoughts flowing-in to the thought processor and processed on the anvil and necessary action taken by the lives. .

You can a this access place through mind’s eye.

The mystics train themselves to ignore such thought that arrive in them. That is easy said than done.

The mystics, however, taught a few simple ways to accomplish though the following steps:

  • Keep the anvil busy or filled with another thought.
  • Keep eyes closed and repeat any word. Preferably the name of your favourite God. This is called “Nama Japa” Chanting the name of the God, non-stop.
  • There is another way: Keep a picture of a deity of your choice, in front of you. “Observe for a few seconds, every detail in the picture. Then close the eyes and bring the image before your mind’s eye”. The image will disappear with in a few  seconds.
  • Repeat the above step non-stop. Very soon, you will succeed in blocking the thoughts from reaching our “thought Processor”
  • Now you have blocked the thought flow from outside. The next step to unthink is to stop Chanting “Nama Japa” / erase the picture that you stored on the anvil, though the mind’s eye. Then one succeeded finds himself ready for astral travel. Travel to unfamiliar realms in the universe.