Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Life in Universe!

The Man and Mystic

There are several life forms in the universe. Each of which has different life-spans and occupy various extents of space in the universe.

The man is just one among the many.

What do the lives do in the universe?

There are two types of people Man and Mystics.

Metaphorically, the lives run for their creator!

The creator has created every one of the specie for a definite purpose. The lives are provided with knowledge & skills.

For the reasons of effectively controllinthoseg the lives, created a force that limit the knowledge and abilities to the extent that is required from time to time. There are two types of people among us. The bulk of it, are those who under the spell of Maya.

There are the others, a few among us who are known as seekers! They, become mystics in their course of search for the Truth!

The mystics can be thought of as rebels among us! They defy the control or influence of Maya in order to know the truth. The true form of universe is revealed to these lives in the universe. Those who seek stop their (metaphorical) “running” for their creator.

(The seekers are always small in number. When the number of those who are revealed become large, the creator must be getting troubled)!

Seekers have a role!

The seekers are in small number. They themselves do not run because they cease to be under the spell of Maya. But yet, they are useful to the creator in their own way. How?

The Lives, blinded by Maya, are on the run for their creator. They are injured and their run comes to a halt.

The seekers, known as saints, sufi, sage, Zen masters heal the injured lives and make them run with their full force.