Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

 Maya the force

The universe has an engine or a power source called Maya!

Every one of us, (the way we are created) are capable of looking at the Universe in full. The Maya, for a very valid reason, through the tricks she plays make us blind to the true form of Universe.

The mystics tell us that the Maya hides the truth from every one of the lives in the universe.

What is that truth that the Maya hides from the lives?

The true form and nature of the universe is hidden from the lives. (Allowing merely a partial, limited and distorted perception of the universe)

The lives, further, are influenced by Maya with falsehood so that they serve the needs of the creator.

It is possible to compare the horses that we tame and use are fixed with blinders!

They have faculty of see but turned blind to serve the need of its master!


The lives blinded by Maya undertake a metaphorical run for their creator.

Due the influence of Maya, every of the lives believe that they

live for themselves,

live by their knowledge and abilities,  and also that

they are born to achieve a great goal!

Maya is the force that cause the lives in the universe to run as per a script, (a predetermined steps)

The Eastern mystics say that there are 60 million (6 Crore) tricks that the Maya plays.

Maya is explained as working in two ways: (1) Hiding the truth; (2) falsehood as truth..

A book titled Illusion - Maya explains a few most significant tricks of Maya.

Maya can be compared to the Horse-blind.

 Maya defiers!

There are a few, among us who pursue the Science, for a living. There are the few who can realize that the Sense Perceived world is an insignificant of the True Universe. These few could benefit from vedic scriptures.

There are always a class of people all over the world, all the time known as seekers. They knew that there is a world larger than what the eyes could perceive. They know that the Veil of Maya hide the true universe from them. They are busy learning the ways of tearing the Veil of Maya.

Maya a veil or Wall?

For most of us, to every common man, Maya is felt as a strong impenetrable wall.

Truly, the Maya can be seen as a Veil that moves some times (say, a breeze) with great ease.

Very often, the veil of Maya moves to expose us the universe, the truth, a little more than what we normally perceive. Either we fail to take note of it or ignore them. Even most of those who took note of the truth exposed by veil of Maya forget them.

Those who take note and remember, are alert and look for the next move become a seeker only to grow into a man-of-knowledge.

Such individuals, spend their time, effort  and resouces to break the wall (tear the veil of) Maya.

Maya won’t yield, so easily.

Every life is equipped with capabilities to learn & think so that it can act into the universe the way it is designed. But this capabilities can help a person to break the wall of Maya and thus, become a man-of-knowledge.

But, Maya has her own ways to prevent maximum number of lives from becoming man-of-knowledge.


Those who became men-of-knowledge, stops the metaphorical run for the creator. They do not indulge in any act that most other lives indulge in. But most of the men-of-knowledge, if not all of them, having stopped running help the lives around them to heal the wounds and run efficiently.

Thus, help the lives of the common man who are injured in their Run for the creator. Perhaps win the favor of celestial entities and get elevated to higher plane of living!