Living Life with Constant Energy and Bliss by John J. Rowland - HTML preview

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Section 4 – Let’s Get Started!

I promise that living life with constant energy and bliss is a fun process; chock-full of unique and wonderful surprises.   I cannot promise however that if you ONLY follow the suggestions within this book that all your problems will magically disappear.   You need to read between the lines and catch the drift of what the passages in this book are saying.  There is a Higher Power which you have access to, and those who understand this are that much further along in the process of living in the flow of pure energy.

I also highly recommend some additional learning materials within the following sections which I truly believe  will help catapult you to higher and higher energy levels.   These materials have proven to be very effective for many people.   I will never endorse any product which I do not believe will help you immensely.

The first step towards increasing your potential energy, and thus your vibrational output, is to realize who you are in this world; in this life and in this Universe.

Try to imagine a sparkling,  magnificent,  one of  a kind classic car.   See  how that  car  shines, dazzles, and looks as though it may have just fallen from heaven.  It just sits there, taking your breath away with its magnificence and splendor.   Imagine how much that car must be worth! Well we are EXACTLY like that car, yet even more so.   Let me explain.   You see, we are ALL one of kind models, original since the day we were born.  You are the only model that exists in the entire Universe!  You are truly a one of a kind, meticulously crafted original.  All we need to do is get you cleaned up and polished before charging out on the open road, fast, free and full of power, energy and bliss.  Of course, you may need a filter change, tune-up, new tires and a transmission flush & fill.   You may even need some major  engine work and a new paint job. The point  is that  you are one of a kind;  a magnificent,  wonderful, ORIGINAL creation who is ready to shine and dazzle everywhere you go from this day forward.

“In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37

You  are  not  here  on  earth  by  mistake;  even  if  you  were  “unplanned”  by  your  parents.    In addition, even if you are the world’s ugliest person or have major physical limitations, you are still a VERY BIG DEAL in the eyes of the Universal Creator.  You have MUCH to contribute and to live for.  Multitudes of people may be affected by the decisions you make.  You are worth so much  more than  you  can  even  realize,  and  you  are  loved WAY  more  than  you  can  possibly imagine.  This love does not die or diminish as you live your life.  It is always present.   How do I know?   Because  when  you  begin  tapping  into  this  Higher  Energy,  you  can  actually  feel  its existence.  People can also feel this energy coming from you.  It does not matter who you are. You can have this energy, and you can exude as much of it as you want and as often as you want.

Be forewarned though: there will be many times when you just do not feel like being a conduit of love  and  energy,  particularly  during  those  times  when  you  are  physically  and  mentally exhausted.   Well guess what?   That is perfectly okay.   Sometimes you just need to relax, sit back and maybe watch some TV or read a book.  Never feel that just because your main goal is to raise your potential energy by the process of self love, you must always be bouncy, positive and  in  a  great  mood.   The  process  of  self  love  and  having  a  more  resilient  energy  flow  is ongoing.  It is a continuously evolving process of reaching higher and higher energy plateaus so that even when you are relaxed, you are still an effective conduit of love energy.

This is not  some pie-in-the-sky lesson on new age positive thinking.   On the contrary,  loving yourself is the first and most basic step towards attracting tangible and intangible life victories and  being  a  conduit  of  energy.   What  sort  of  victories?    First  of  all,  both  the  tangible  and intangible  are  interconnected.   They  are  both  energy,  just  in  different  forms.   Therefore  the energy  which  you  attract  will  be  in  both  forms.   By  vibrating  at  a  higher  frequency,  you  will attract certain people (tangible), circumstances (intangible) and things (either/or) into your life that will bless you in every way imaginable.  Amazing ideas, hunches and impulses will come to you when you least expect.  In essence, you will attract the same energy to yourself which you are  sending  out  into  the  Universe.   All  of  these  blessings  and  victories  are  the  result  of  you emitting a higher frequency.   Know that energy is set in motion by freely giving it away, even when you do not feel like it.

“By blessing others, we bless ourselves.” Proverbs 11:25

When you are vibrating at a higher frequency, negative emotions, words and actions directed towards  you  from  others  cannot  penetrate  your  wall  of  energy.   In  addition,  life’s  mountains become molehills.  Negative,  lower  frequency vibrations will just  bounce right  off  of  you.   You may be thinking that this all sounds redundant, and that is because it is.   Repetition helps us remember things.   Just read the Bible’s New Testament  and notice how many times specific points are repeated over and over.

It is very important… no, it is actually imperative that you understand the life you can have if you are just willing to let go of the energy bottlenecks which hold you back from experiencing True Energy, and open your heart to a higher power, or a higher “frequency” if you prefer.

Being a Conduit of Energy

Jesus was the absolute perfect example of a living conduit of love energy when He was in the physical form.   Energy flowed through Him so much that everybody just wanted to follow Him around and gather together to hear His words of love and power.  His aura was extraordinarily powerful to say the least.  When people understood His words, their hearts would soar, and they would be filled with joy and energy.   When people were offended by His words, they became defensive and angry.   Those people had major energy bottlenecks; the same sort which many of us have today.  They were totally close-minded, and mistakenly felt that Jesus was trying to steal  their  energy,  and  their  way of  life.   They  were  clinging  very tightly to  opposing  thought patterns; so much so that they actually had Him murdered for “blasphemy”.  Little did they know that Jesus was really trying to give them energy, and teach them how to also be living conduitsn of energy as He was.   Jesus Himself said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

Jesus could channel love – the highest and most powerful form of energy in the Universe – in the most amazing of ways.  His very touch had the power to heal people.  Now I am not saying that  everybody  can  be  like  Jesus  or  even  should  be,  but  He  did  show  us  how  to  be  perfect conduits of love energy and to have life more abundantly; life as in Wealth, Love, Happiness, Joy, Laughter, and Peace; not to mention having more ENERGY!   He proved that love energy does indeed exist, and is far more powerful than we can ever imagine.   There is an unlimited source of this love which it is available to all of us for free; at anytime, anywhere, and regardless of who we are, what we believe in, or what we have done in our lives up to this point.

“Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10


To close this chapter, let us talk briefly about gratitude and why it is vital to having more energy. After learning about your value and worth in this life, and that you are a magnificent creation of pure Love Energy, practicing gratitude on a daily basis is the next step towards entering into life’s river of energy.  I am fairly confident that you have heard the expression at least a million times in your life – “the more you give, the more you receive”.  However, perhaps you may not have fully understood why it is important to find ways to give of your time, talent, treasure, words of praise, appreciation, etc.   Here is the reason in a nutshell: the more you give, the more you increase your capacity to receive.

Proper  flow  of  energy  requires  actively  giving  and  receiving.   This  process  develops  into  a magnificent, upward spiral of kinetic energy; elevating you to newer and higher energy levels. As previously mentioned, this is the way we were all meant to live since we were born; in a state of constant bliss, energy and love.

We  must  make  every  effort  to  practice  gratitude  on  a  daily  (yes,  daily)  basis.   Even  if  you practice being grateful for just the very simple, every day things such as fresh air, sunsets, or any facet of nature’s pure, unadulterated beauty.   Observations such as these are more than adequate.

You  may  also  be grateful  for  people  in  your  past  who  have  been  kind  to  you  in  one  way  or another, or have given you some meaningful guidance and direction.  At the very least you will begin feeling lighter, happier, more relaxed and more enthusiastic about life.  All you need to do in  order  to  successfully  apply  the  art  of  being  grateful  is  to  become  silent  for  a  couple  of minutes, clear your mind, take a few deep breaths and reflect on a few simple circumstances or things for which you are grateful.

Sometimes I just reflect on the mere fact that I can see colors.   Yes indeed, I am very grateful for  the  fact  that  I  can  look  outside  and  see  nature’s  many  shades  of  green,  along  with magnificently colored leaves, flowers, and huge blue skies.  I am literally in awe as I look around and notice the beauty which surrounds me at all times, wherever I happen to be.

Even if I am in the middle of a big city where there is not a lot of nature, I take notice of the brilliant  skyscrapers  which  literally  take  my  breath  away.   I  feel  grateful  that  there  are  some extraordinarily  talented  architects  and  engineers  who  are  able  to  create  such  immense construction  projects,  and  all  the  laborers  who  diligently  worked  long  and  hard  to  bring  that architectural drawing into reality.

Even if you are totally blind, be grateful that you can listen to music, birds chirping, or the sound of waves crashing on the shore.  If you cannot see or hear, be grateful that you can feel a warm hug from a loved one, or that you are able to smell a sweet perfume.  If you have no loved ones, be grateful for the fact that you are alive and have the potential to both give and receive love. Be grateful for the fact that you are loved.  You get the point.  Take a few minutes every day to reflect on your many blessings, no matter how insignificant you think they may be.  It also helps to schedule a certain time during the day to practice this, otherwise you are likely to forget.

I  am  willing  to bet  the farm  that  there is something  you can be  grateful for  right  now,  at  this particular moment.   Do you have your health?   If  not, do you have any family members who care about you?  If not, do you have any friends who care about you, and that you also care for? Can you go to a store right now and buy your favorite soft drink?  Ok, I know, that sounds a bit absurd to be grateful for the ability to shop for your favorite soda.  But if you think about it for a moment, there are literally millions of people around the world who do not have this privilege which most of us so easily take for granted.

The point is that when we are grateful for even the smallest of things, our subconscious minds automatically go to work and begin searching for additional things we should be grateful for, yet do  not  often  think  about.   When  this  happens,  your  capacity  for  being  a  natural  conduit  of energy increases significantly.  By practicing gratitude on a daily basis, you will eventually bring into existence even more blessings for which to be grateful.

You will attract more blessings into your life when you affirm to your subconscious mind that you are  worthy  to  receive  more  blessings.   This  mental  energy  signals  to  the  Universe  that  your capacity  has  increased,  and  that  you  require  more  gifts  and  more  energy  to  fill  your  newly increased capacity.  This process is very real, and I want to highlight this point because it is the crux of this section: We attract what we ARE.

Who we are determines what we attract.   It is why self  love is the initial step towards having more energy and bliss.  Love is pure energy in motion… you can literally feel it, and people will also feel it coming from you.   It is also why the conscious practice of gratitude actually attracts into our lives even more things to be grateful for.

Your energy will attract more of the same energy; whether negative or positive.  Therefore, try to begin and end each day with gratitude – even if you are grateful that you can buy a can of your favorite beverage at your local market!  Your capacity will increase each and every day.

Practicing gratitude is incredibly rewarding.  You can be grateful for so many things.  It may be something from the past that may have had a positive effect on you, or maybe something in the future that you wish to have.  Regardless of what it is, try not to be grateful for the same things over and over.  Be as varied as possible when thinking about what you are grateful for.

Be grateful for what you will have.   It will bring that thing into existence that much faster.   You can  read  more  about  this  in  Bonus  Section  1:  Application  of  The  Secret.    Be  grateful  for everything  you  can  possibly  think  of.   Make  it  a  fun  process  and  do  it  as  often  as  possible throughout the day, especially during those times when you are feeling down, or during periods of high stress.  This will instantaneously lift your spirits.

Be  grateful  that  you  already  have  what  it  is  you  desire,  and  you  increase  your  chances  of receiving it by leaps and bounds.   Take 30 seconds or so out of every hour of the day to just reflect  on  something  you  are  grateful  for.   Very  soon  your  whole  outlook  on  life  will  change dramatically.   You will learn to appreciate life’s “little things” a whole lot more because you will see  them  in  a new light.   Your  self-love  will  improve  and  your  love  for  others  will  also  grow. Your enthusiasm for life will be cranked up a few notches and your stress level will decrease.  In general, you will feel happier, more positive, less stressed, and… have more energy!


It is important that when you visualize, you do it with feeling and emotion.   The reason is that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between a real situation and one that is visualized. If  it  believes that  you are happy and have lots of  energy,  it  will go to work  on making  that  a reality.   The  Universe  has  to  give  it  to  you  because  it  is  the  Law  of  Attraction.   Continuous visualization done with feeling attracts that which you visualize.  It is really the same concept as energy  frequencies  attracting  like  energy  frequencies.   We  attract  what  we  are,  so  BE  that person in your visualizations who is wealthy, or is a conduit of energy, or anything else you wish to have or to be.  Our visualizations will always attract a like energy.

If you have tried visualizing before but did not experience positive results, it is probably because there  is  a part  of  your  subconscious  mind  which  is  blocking  the flow of  energy.   Deep  down inside, perhaps you feel that you do not deserve what you visualize.  If this is the case, you are not  alone.   This  is  the  main  reason  why  some  people  do  not  experience  results  as  quickly others.   I suggest you read the bonus section on affirmations, and begin reciting several daily affirmations  about  how  you  deserve  what  you  desire.     Say  them  aloud  over  and  over, simultaneously visualizing yourself as the kind of person who deserves those things.

Here is how you should visualize.   First, do not try to visualize for more than five minutes at a time.   Your  mind  will  become  distracted  and  begin  daydreaming  about  other  things.   Simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Some people prefer to “warm up their minds” and recite  a  particular  mantra  several  times  to  help  them  focus  and  concentrate.    If  so,  that  is perfectly fine and even recommended.   However, simply visualizing with feelings and emotion will still yield positive results.

Next, envision a situation where you already have what you desire.   If it is more energy, then visualize a situation where you are just brimming with joy and bliss.  Feel that blissful energy as much as you possibly can as you visualize.  Visualize people around you noticing this about you and feeling more energetic just being in your presence.

If  it  is  a  new car  you  desire,  visualize  yourself  already owning  that  car  and  driving  it  around town.  Visualize yourself driving over to your friend’s house and seeing the look on their face as they admire your brand new car.  Be as specific as possible.  Visualize the make, the model, the year, interior and exterior color, etc.  The more detail you incorporate into your visualization, the more effective it will be.

If you do not have much time alone to visualize, try to use certain times during the day to your advantage.  At some point during the day you need to use a restroom, right?  As odd as it may seem,  take  advantage  of  that  time  and  visualize  for  a  few  minutes.   You  can  even  visualize when you are taking a shower.  If you can be by yourself where nobody can interrupt you, great. But the point is to try and make time to visualize.  The benefits will astonish you!

Therefore I say to you, whatever you make a request for in prayer, have faith that it has been given unto to you, and it shall be yours.” Mark 11:24