Living Life with Constant Energy and Bliss by John J. Rowland - HTML preview

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Caution:  by  applying  the  lessons  contained  within  this  section,  you  may  experience  results beyond your wildest expectations!

“The Secret”… what is this term we keep hearing about lately?  Everybody is talking about this phenomenon called “the secret”.   What exactly is the secret?   Is there really a secret strategy which we can use to attract anything we imagine?  If so, why was it a secret in the first place? The answer is that there really is no secret at all.   It has been known for thousands of years. We just do not pay much attention to the wisdom contained in the Bible because we think we know a better way, and that the Bible only applies to people who lived in those times.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “as a man thinketh, so shall he be”?  It is very likely that you have heard this at one time or another in your life.   It is written in the Book of Proverbs 23:7. Another  way of  stating this pearl of  wisdom  may be as follows:  “we attract  what  we are”.   In other  words,  your  thought  patterns  (the  way  you  think)  have  much  to  do  with  who  you  are. Thus, who you are determines what you attract.   Change the way you think and you change who you are.  Change who you are internally and you will attract a like energy.  Do you wish to become wealthy?  Become wealthy in your mind.  Think like wealthy people think.  Behave how they behave.   Do you want more love in your life?   Become a more loving person (remember LUVV?).  We cannot just imagine something and have it automatically show up at our doorstep. People who believe this do not comprehend the full reality of “the secret”.  We will always attract the same energy of WHO WE ARE INTERNALLY.

Energy  frequencies  beam  from  you  like  flashes  of  light,  and  bring  back  similar  energy frequencies.   This book is based on this principle.   Therefore, we do not just attract what we think about, but what we ARE.   We must literally become in our hearts and minds that person we wish to become, and having those things which we desire.  We must act as if we already are that person, and already have those things.

The energy you emit will bring to you both the tangible and intangible blessings which you own in your heart.   For example, let’s say that you want a much better position at your company. You  need  to  already  be  in  that  position  in  your  heart.     When  you  visualize  yourself  in  that position, you need to really feel it in your core.  You ARE that person.  You not only act like you are in that position already, but you feel the emotions of that person.  You feel what it would be like walking down the corridor of your new prestigious office and have people admire you for doing such a terrific job.  Even feel the pressures and stresses involved in that job.  This speeds up the process significantly.  You see, the Universe must give you that job.  The energy goes to work to attract that which you are already.

The bottom line on this concept we currently refer to as “the secret” is this: we attract not just what  we think about, but what we ARE internally.   Changes on the outside will always follow changes that first occur on the inside.   Hold your desires in your heart and do not let go.   You will attract that great job sooner than you thought was possible.  Furthermore, even if you do not get that particular job, you will still attract a similar job, perhaps within another company.   The Universal  Law of  Energy does  not  change.   Higher  energy frequencies will  attract  the higher energy frequencies, and negative energy frequencies will attract more fear, more doubt, more mediocrity,  more  self  pity,  more  low  self  esteem,  and  on  and  on.   Become  that  person  who deserves wealth, security, love, friends, joy, and everything else which your heart desires.

The “secret” also has a lot to do with gratitude.  You see, most every self help book in the world speaks a great deal on the subject of gratitude.  There is a very important reason why this is so. Gratitude is simply the act of reflecting on what we are grateful for.  We are focusing on what is RIGHT in our lives.  When we focus on our blessings, we send a message to the Universe that we deserve those blessings.   Therefore, just the mere act of being grateful tells the Universe that we deserve even more!   It sends a message out that we are happy, that we feel blessed, and that our life is fabulous.  As we have discussed in great detail throughout this book, we are increasing our capacity for even more by opening ourselves up to the flow of a higher frequency of energy.