Section One – What’s LUVV got to do with it?
The concept of Energy flow is based on the unchangeable laws of the Universe. These Universal laws, such as the law of gravity, are here to stay whether you comprehend them or not. Another Universal law – the law of Energy – is also a constant, unchangeable law that touches each and every one of us on a daily basis. Energy can either work for you or against you, but let us not jump ahead of ourselves.
Here is what confuses many people about the law of Energy: Energy is never created, nor is it destroyed; it simply transfers from one form to another. Albert Einstein proved this mathematically with his theory: E=MC2, in which E represents units of energy, m represents units of mass, and C2 is the speed of light multiplied by itself. So energy is equal to matter, and vice versa. Matter is simply another form of energy. Energy transforms into other forms of energy, but it is never created or destroyed. It already exists; we just need to tap into its existing power, and we can live harmoniously with constant energy and bliss. Sound too good to be true? Maybe a little too “pie in the sky”? It is actually quite simple.
Our physical bodies are just another form of… you guessed it, energy! Once you understand that you are made up of one hundred percent pure energy, you can begin to experience your life as part of a very powerful and wonderful force that exists within our Universe. This force is a free flowing river with both rapids and still waters, and yet all you have to do to feel its awesome power in your life is to simply let it flow through you. It is not so much a warm, fuzzy feeling as some may believe; rather, it is a constantly moving force which has the power to transform your life with infinite possibilities; unimaginable possibilities which your mind cannot even conceive of (just yet).
Remember – energy is constantly and willingly taking on other forms every second of every day; between people, places and things both seen and unseen. Right now, at this very second, energy is transferring between galaxies millions of light years away. It is EXACTLY the same energy that transfers between you and another person when you are having a conversation. It is the same energy that flows out from your mind when you are thinking thoughts, both consciously and subconsciously.
Therefore, in the process of allowing this higher, Universal energy to flow directly through you, you will experience a greater level of joy and bliss. It is simply inevitable. Energy and bliss are BYPRODUCTS of allowing an already existing energy to flow through you, easily and naturally. Essentially, it is a perfect state of being in which we are supposed to be living. It is how we were all meant to live since the day we were born!
There are literally mountains of information available on how to improve virtually every single area of your life. However, as The Beatles so famously said, “In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” This lyric in the song ‘The End’ is referring to the love we receive in our lives being an exact reflection of the love which we give. They also got it right when they said, “all you need is love” from the song of the same title. It turns out that this phrase is both spiritually and scientifically accurate. But before we can be capable of loving others, we must first love ourselves.
Again, by loving yourself first, you are then able to love others, which in turn leads to an even greater self love because this energy will eventually come right back to you. This is based on the Law of Attraction, which deals with the concept of energy attracting like energy (more on this later). However, although loving yourself first is the initial step, it requires you to first open yourself up and accept the love that already exists. You will learn about that in greater detail soon, but just realize that ultimately you need to be a conduit of energy in order to experience constant energy and bliss.
So before we begin our journey on the road to LUVV Energy, let us first become familiar with what energy actually is, how it works, and why the idea of loving yourself is the necessary first step towards having this incredible life force live, grow, and flow right through you.
Energy can be seen and felt in ways too numerous to count. However, there are really only two general types of energy in their natural state. They are 1) potential energy, and 2) kinetic energy. Energy is either stored (potential) or it is in motion (kinetic). All forms of energy fall into one of these two categories.
Let us briefly discuss potential energy. Potential energy is simply energy that is stored somewhere – the potential exists for that energy to be released. Even a rock has stored energy because that rock has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy. There is potential energy stored in the bonds of every single atom and molecule in the Universe. Every living being possesses stored energy because every plant, animal or mammal is made up of atoms and molecules.
The fact that you are alive means that you possess an enormous amount of potential energy already, and yet you are quite capable of having significantly more. How much more? Well, that decision is entirely up to you; the Universe has unlimited potential, therefore the same holds true for your own potential for healthy, positive, love energy.
We are not talking about some sort of hyped-up caffeine type of energy; but an everyday, constant feeling of true happiness, peace, confidence, warmth, joy, and bliss. The truth is that the Universe WANTS us to have life, and life more abundantly. It supports us and offers us unlimited potential!
On an unfortunate side note, we humans have discovered how to harness potential energy in very negative ways as well, such as the creation of nuclear bombs which store enormous amounts of destructive energy.
So just bear in mind that potential energy is an extremely important and powerful concept. Whether internal or external, it can ultimately be transferred into kinetic energy for whatever purpose we choose.
Examples of Potential Energy:
Mechanical energy can be stored within objects by the application of a force. Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands are examples of stored mechanical energy.
Gravitational energy is a form of potential energy. Water in a reservoir behind a hydropower dam is an example of gravitational stored energy. When the water is released to spin the turbines, the energy is now being used. The potential energy becomes motion, or kinetic energy.
Food contains stored energy. It is stored as a chemical with potential energy. When your body uses that stored energy to do work, it now becomes kinetic energy. If you overeat, the energy in food may not be transformed, but stored as potential energy within fat cells.
In general, human beings contain vast amounts of potential energy. Our energy can be expressed in a whole multitude of ways. We never really create it; we just transfer it from one form to another. Thus, by nature we are conduits of energy. This being so, we also have the unique ability to draw on the existing energy of the Universe and actually raise our level of potential energy. We are the only species that can consciously tap into and “store” energy within our bodies and minds.
The process of increasing our potential energy does not involve a complicated, spiritually burdensome process. It is actually a whole lot easier than you might think. As mentioned, we can never create energy; that is a scientific fact. What we really need to do is to just open ourselves up to the energy that already exists. There are several easy ways to do this, which we will soon discuss. But the point of this section is to understand how the concept of potential energy can also be applied in our lives. There is potential positive energy, and there is also potential negative energy. We can store both.
Although negative energy is also a powerful force, it is WEAK when compared with the magnitude of positive, love energy. This is the state of being which you want to live in on a constant basis. Allowing this energy to flow through us brings into our lives a constant state of bliss, confidence and freedom.
Does this mean you will never encounter a stressful situation or become upset at anyone? Well, no, not exactly. If you are alive on this earth, you will no doubt run into situations every day that are stressful. You may experience loss, tragedy, sadness, and other difficult situations which come with being human. However, when you are vibrating at a higher energy frequency, you can handle these situations in such a way that they never have any power over you. You will deal with stressful situations more effectively, and with a calm, peaceful state of mind. The reason many people cannot adequately handle difficult situations is that their “cup runneth low” – their stored energy is not at the level it should be.
Whatever energy frequency you are sending out, a like energy is guaranteed to return. Energy attracts like energy. When you make even the slightest effort to store positive energy (i.e.: to love yourself more), you will notice immediate changes in the energy you receive. The positive energy you store within will attract more of the same, and this process can continue indefinitely. We all attract to ourselves what we are internally. This will be covered in greater detail in section Five.
In contrast, negative energy will ultimately destroy everything in its path. By its very nature, negative energy is a destroyer of all things good. Only positive, love energy leads to life, and life more abundantly. For now, just understand that love is the ONLY way to living a life of constant energy and bliss. It is the highest form of energy that exists, period. This kind of energy is not contained within a can of the latest energy drink, nor does it come in a pill. It comes from within ourselves; from the amount of love we possess. The main goal is to increase our capacity for love, and simply allow that energy to be put into motion.
Examples of Kinetic Energy
Energy in motion, or kinetic energy, is realized ONLY when a potential energy first exists. This is worth repeating – the potential energy must exist first. For example, the movement of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules and substances are all energy in motion based on a prior potential energy.
The potential often exists for lightning when certain weather conditions are present. Lightning is simply a flow of electrons which we refer to as electric energy. Weather conditions contain the potential energy, and as a result, lightning is “created”. Well, not actually created; the electrons have just been transformed into a visible motion energy.
Kinetic energy, just like potential energy, can also exist in many forms. Other examples include light, sound, as well as my personal favorite – LOVE.
Wait a minute… so love is a form of kinetic energy? Yes, absolutely. Love is not an “emotion” per se, but an action; pure energy in motion. Think about it. We may love someone – or more formally – the potential love energy may exist within us, but how does the other person feel it? Well, we express our love for someone through our words and our actions. That is why love is a form of kinetic energy. It is an expression; an action. We don’t just love people and never show it. We do things to express the love we have for them. We call them, say that we love them, do things to help them, buy them flowers, make them dinner, pray for them, etc. The warm, fuzzy feelings that make us daydream about someone, or the sweet and genuine emotions we have for a loved one are byproducts of the love which that person brings to our lives. In essence, the emotion of love is simply a form of potential energy. The potential energy exists, but it doesn’t just stop there. We express it. Thus, love is pure energy in motion. This is why it is so important to build our own potential love energy for ourselves, so that we can express this love for others; for humanity. The Bible refers to this process as “keeping your cup full”. That is, keep your spiritual “cup” full of love.
Now, if the love we have for somebody is mutual, in other words, if that person feels the same way towards us and expresses this love, it follows that their love energy is also being transferred to us, raising our own level of potential love energy for them. When this love energy is constantly being transferred and expressed towards one another, the result is extremely powerful and can feel absolutely incredible.
So again, when we love someone, our nature is to express it. Love is constantly being transferred back and forth in any relationship (a healthy one, that is). This process is usually magnified in the beginning of a new romance when the two parties are willingly and eagerly giving each other their love energy. That initial, blissful state always feels so wonderful! Later on in the relationship, oftentimes the two people will try to manipulate each other for that same energy that was once so effortless to both give and to receive. Some examples of how we manipulate someone for energy are to follow. Regardless, did you know that you can feel this sort of energy and bliss all the time? You absolutely can. You just need to feel that love and excitement for someone, and have that someone constantly giving it back to you. If you do not think this is possible, think again…
You already have an enormous amount of love and energy that is being transferred to you on a constant basis. I can already hear you saying, “Huh? My husband or my wife is definitely not like that… maybe 20 years ago, but not now!” Well, I am not exactly talking about a human being here; more like a Supreme Being – an omnipotent, powerful, original force that gives you WAY more energy than any human being is even capable of. But many of us choose not return that same love, either because we are too stubborn in our ways, too confident in our limited human intelligence, too cynical, self-righteous, fearful, agnostic, or we simply do not care. Many think, “If there is so much evil in this world, how can God exist?” I have witnessed so many people babble on and on about things they know almost nothing about. I ask them, “Have you ever actually opened up a Bible and read the New Testament, front to back?
Don’t worry, continue reading. Nobody is preaching anything religious here. However, this Being I am referring to might be called the Original Source of energy. Others may refer to it as God. And yet others may refer to this as a Higher Energy or a Higher Power. It does not really make a difference. There is a very real, original, limitless source of love and energy in the Universe, and it can be tapped into fairly easily. If you are skeptical about this, have no fear. You do not even have to believe in any higher power in order to feel its presence and energy. You just have to increase your capacity and potential for this energy to flow through you. Here is the proof: we, along with everything that exists within the Universe, are an expression of energy. As human beings, we are essentially living, breathing, moving expressions of energy. In other words, we are energy in motion. However, no form of kinetic energy can exist without there being a prior potential for that energy to exist in the first place. If we really stop and think about it, and humble ourselves (a near impossible task for many people), we just might have to accept the fact that we are but an expression of an Original, Potential Energy Source.
This boundless Energy Source is in a constant state of expression. It is shameful how so many of us close our minds and our hearts to this Energy. If we only knew how much love energy exists, and how it desires to flow through you and dance with you every step of your life. All we need to do is just make the slightest wink of an eye towards this energy, and it’ll be more than willing to come to us and flow right through us. This is what creates the feeling of bliss, peace, serenity, joy, comfort, laughter, and all the other words to describe what we will feel when we have a proper flow of love energy in our lives. Remember, love energy is the strongest force in the Universe. It is really all we need in order to feel constant energy and bliss. And again, do not think for a minute that you need to get all religious and spiritual in order to feel its powerful force.
In addition, you might be thinking that there are people in your life who you love, but perhaps they do not love you back as much, or even at all! Yes, but this cannot not prevent you from giving them your energy, either in person or via your thoughts. Their very existence brings love into your life, even if you do not like them very much. Your perception and concept of that person make you love them unconditionally.
Love is still transferred in that case, because you have enough potential energy and love to give to them, just based on their sheer existence. Whatever these people do or say has little effect on how much you love them. Your energy frequency for them vibrates regardless, just based on their meaning in your life. By the person’s very existence, you love them. Wouldn’t it be utopia if we felt like that about everybody, and everybody felt this way about us? This would most certainly be a perfect state of love and bliss. It is actually the way we were all meant to live with one another; in a perfect state of harmony and bliss. However, we all know that this kind of utopia does not exist right now on this earth. What a shame!
What most of us spend our time on is trying to get energy from others. Arguing is a perfect example of this phenomenon. When we argue with someone, it becomes an energy struggle for the people in the argument. Both parties raise their voice to be heard and literally try to take the energy from the other person by force, because we feel that this is the same thing the other person is trying to do to us. Well, you are right! That is exactly what is happening. The other person is trying to make their point and get you to see it their way and feel their energy.
When you are not accepting and receiving the other person’s energy by agreeing with them, they try harder and harder; to the point where they may even insult you in some way in order to just get a little energy from you by means of stealing it with an insult. If the insult made you feel bad, they succeeded in at least getting that small amount of energy from you. If the insult REALLY hurt, then they succeeded at stealing a LARGE amount of energy from you… but at least they got something, and they feel good about it. Even stolen energy can have its satisfaction.
There are endless methods which one can use to manipulate others for energy. Many of us do it at least a little on a daily basis without even recognizing that we are doing it. Without going into too much detail, there are several common ways in which we manipulate others for energy:
• Aggression – verbal or physical
• Denial – refusing to admit a wrongdoing
• Acting aloof – like you could not care less
• Rationalization – making an excuse for a hurtful word or act
• Lying
• Guilt-tripping
• Diversion
• Intimidation
• Shaming
• Playing the victim
• Vilifying the victim
• Seduction
• Projecting blame
The way to never feel a need to manipulate for energy is to “keep our cups full” and become conduits of love energy. When our capacity is overflowing and we have a healthy supply of self love, self respect, and self esteem, we never feel the need to manipulate another person for energy. If you do find yourself in a situation where a person is trying to manipulate for your energy, their efforts will be futile. The reason is simple: nobody will be able to steal energy from you. When we have so much of it flowing through us, it becomes virtually impossible for anyone to steal it, no matter what methods they try.
Now, we might on occasion rebuke someone for saying hurtful words to us, which is perfectly fine – even recommended! The difference is that we will never feel the need to hurt that person back in order to regain the energy they consciously or unconsciously tried stealing from us.
When love energy is flowing properly and our “cup” is at capacity or overflowing, energy cannot be stolen from us. This is a scientific fact based on the universal laws of Energy.
Incidentally, whether or not you believe in an original source of energy such as God is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that potential energy does indeed exist, and the transformation into kinetic energy always originates from a prior potential source.
To sum up the point of this section: you must first raise your potential for love and tap into the already existing energy within the Universe. Your capacity for self love must grow from where you are now, as well your unconditional love for other people. Yes, it is as simple as that!
Allow love to flow from the Original Potential Source; right through you and outwards to other people. Why? Because it eventually comes right back to you, flows through you and back out again, and changes your life in ways that you could not imagine in your wildest dreams.
You may be thinking by now that this sounds like a lot of fluff; like some weird lesson in new age positive thinking. The truth is that this concept of channeling existing love energy has been around since the beginning of time. When asked which are the greatest of commandments, Jesus replied, “Love God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Mark 12:28-31).
Whatever your religion, or even if you are an atheist, the concept remains the same. To live life to the fullest, tap into an already existing love energy flowing directly from the Original Source. Let it flow through you to others. If you do not know how to get started doing this, relax; many practical solutions will be offered throughout this book, especially in Section 5.
Why the science lesson you may ask? Because believe it or not, these universal laws of energy are the fundamental principles on which this book is based. Yes, it is absolutely true that you can create the life you want based on a few simple concepts found in your fifth grade science book!
Now that you have an idea of how energy truly works, and that there are really only two general forms of energy, we can begin to relate it to our existence on this earth. We can begin to understand scientifically how improving any area of your life becomes possible once we allow energy to flow through us naturally, the way it wants to and is meant to.
It is important to understand that the strongest, most powerful source of energy in the universe is LOVE. It is the energy that sustains life. Love is the source from which you were created. Can you imagine a world without it? I would not even want to try!
Just to briefly reiterate, the idea of LUVV energy – loving yourself first in order to create tangible and intangible life victories – is not a philosophy based on a religion; it is simply a universal truth that love energy is the highest and most powerful source of energy in the universe, and the only kind of energy which allows us to be truly happy and live life with constant energy and bliss.
Some final thoughts for this section:
We are all born with a potential for love. But somewhere in our lives most of us experience a lack of love in one form or another. Oftentimes, based on individual life experiences, this lack of love may lead people later on to seek “love” in all the wrong places. People will look towards meaningless sex, drugs, alcohol, and anything else that fills a void and makes them temporarily feel good. What is really happening is that they are seeking to replace a void of love energy within themselves. It is a false sense of fulfillment. Many people unfortunately spend years stuck in this vicious cycle and never break free. On a subconscious level, we are all striving to get back to the place we once were when we came into this world... a state of pure love, along with high expectations of receiving love.
Please hear me when I tell you that this place of pure love, pure bliss, and pure freedom is one hundred percent attainable once we understand that this is how we were truly meant to live on this earth. I must qualify this statement by saying that this does not mean that you will never have disappointments or feel pain. If you’re alive, then this is surely inevitable. However, when you are living in a state of pure love energy, you have a much higher capacity for acceptance and will be able to deal with those challenges MUCH more effectively. In fact, day to day challenges will actually become a lot easier to deal with. Your stress level will plummet; your outlook will be more positive; your energy level will be much higher, and life’s mountains will become mole hills. It is not theoretical observation, but scientific fact, and it has to do with the frequency at which you vibrate.
“Under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved – including yourself!” J. J. Rowland