Living Life with Constant Energy and Bliss by John J. Rowland - HTML preview

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Section Two – Increase your Frequency, Results Will Follow

In Section One, we learned how energy works within the Laws of the Universe.  There is nothing overly complicated  about  it.   The more  energy we  tap  into  and  allow  to  flow through  us,  the more energy we will consistently have.

In order for your life and energy level to improve the way you truly desire, you need to be within the  flow  of  energy  –  love  energy  of  course.   You  need  to  allow  yourself  to  be  a  conduit  of energy, as opposed to a bottleneck.

Let  Energy  become  your  new  best  friend!   Be  conscious  of  it;  allow  it  to  become  your  main focus.   Let it into your life; let it flow through to others.   Blessings both tangible and intangible will come into your life in major ways.   In short, allow your potential to increase.  If you have a low potential, your results will be dismal, if any at all.   Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how this actually happens.

Once again, all matter is energy, including our thoughts.  The truth is that EVERYTHING in the Universe is pure energy, and thus everything in the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency.  A frequency is the rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points, measured in hertz (Hz).  We all vibrate at a certain frequency.  Just think, as you sit there now and read this book, you are vibrating at a specific frequency.   You may not feel the actual vibration, but you are constantly emitting a certain energy frequency at all times.

The energy frequency you emit may fluctuate based on how you’re feeling emotionally, but the good news is that  you can have total control over  the frequency you emit.    The Universe is really one gigantic echo system.  Whatever you send out in the form of thoughts or actions will eventually come back to you in a variety of ways.

You  can  feel  great  and  emit  positive  energy  simply  by  changing  the  way  you  think.   Always remember that thoughts are energy, and can therefore manifest into the physical world around you.  What is the main difference between matter and energy?  If you answered “nothing”, you are right!  They are one and the same.

Have  you  ever  felt  uncomfortable  around  someone  and  you  couldn’t  quite  figure  out  why? Perhaps you may have told someone, “that person gives me the creeps”, or “that person has a bad aura”.   You cannot place you finger on anything specific they may have said or done, but you  could  interpret  their  energy.    You  literally  felt  their  energy  frequency.   We  all  have  an instinctive ability to feel another’s energy; love, hate, sadness, frustration – you name it, we can sense it and feel it.  Some can feel and interpret energy better than others, and we often refer to them as psychics or clairvoyants.

Just keep in mind that if you can sense energy frequencies from others, they in turn can feel the energy emitting from you.  One amazing fact about being human is that we possess the innate ability  to  both  consciously  and  subconsciously  change  the  quality  of  energy  we  emit;  the frequency at which we vibrate.

Another  wonderful  fact  about  being  human  is  that  we  contain  certain  emotional  patterns, feelings, and vibrations that determine our personality.  Each of us is unique in the way we think and feel about  ourselves and how we  interact  with others.  However,  some emotions can be potentially damaging.

For example, anger, sorrow and fear; their densities in our energy fields cause blockages to the inflow of positive, constructive energies.  Prolonged exposure to these emotional vibrations can lead to all kinds of illnesses – from common colds to cancer, hyper-tensions or asthmas.  This is not to say that so-called “positive thinkers” will never become ill, but if you suffer from stinking thinking, you will most certainly increase your chances of attracting illness.

If we are consistently angry, feel helpless, or are fearful, these patterns and vibrations become locked in our emotional energy field and can actually become a part of  our personality.  This determines to a very large degree how we interact with others on a personal, social, and cultural level.

As  mentioned  before,  and  as  you  will  read  many  more  times  throughout  this  book;  energy attracts like energy.   Would you like to attract that perfect mate into your life?   Then BE the kind of person who this “perfect match” will want to be with!   Do you want to be wealthy and have lots of money to give to your favorite charities?  Simply BECOME that person in your mind and in your heart.  Your belief level is the key to attracting anything you desire.

The  energy  you  emit  will  bring  back  a  like  energy  in  both  tangible  and  intangible  ways.   By thinking,  feeling,  acting  and  BEING  the  person  you  wish  to  become,  you  attract  that  energy (matter) into your life.   Oh, and by the way, forget about the how-to’s.   Leave the details up to the  Universe.   You  will  automatically  attract  what  you  need  in  order  to  achieve  the  desired result.  You just need to focus on the desired outcome and feel what that would be like.

Have you ever noticed that people tend to associate with like-minded people?  We feel the most comfortable  with  them  because  our  energies  are  more  or  less  vibrating  among  the  same frequency.  We are “in tune” with them, and they are in tune with us.  We think that they are so cool.   Why?    Because  of  the  1,000:1  (thousand  to  one)  rule.    That  is,  people  tend  to  like themselves a thousand times more than they like anyone else.

When  people  see  things  in  you  that  they  like  about  themselves,  they  automatically  like  you more.  The more relatable you are to another person, the more they will like you.  One surefire way to break the ice with strangers is to bring up a topic which they are familiar with, or better yet; passionate about.

In  contrast,  when  we  associate  with  non  like-minded  people  we  tend  to  feel  somewhat uncomfortable, sometimes VERY uncomfortable.   If they have too many opposing viewpoints, we may even dislike them.   If we cannot find other qualities about the person that we like, we tend to not even want to be around them very much.  We have all been in that situation at one time  or  another  when  we  said,  “oh  no,  so  and so  is  coming  to  the  party?   I  can’t  stand  that person!”    If  we  never  look  for  anything  we  like  about  that  person,  we  certainly  won’t  find anything.

However, in each person there lies MANY unique gifts and qualities.  If you look for them, you will find them.   You can send people energy via your thoughts.   Find something you like about them and focus on that; even if it is something as insignificant as how polished their shoes are. Think about it as you speak with them.   When you do this, they will react accordingly (unless they are a true jackass).   Something internal will let  them know that  you like them, and your energy will be reflected back to you.   You can literally raise their energy frequency on both a conscious and subconscious level, while simultaneously raising your own.

Negative  emotions  and  thought  patterns  cause  energy  bottlenecks.      As  these  bottlenecks dissipate,  our  existing  energy  system  rapidly  “snaps  back”  into  its  natural  state  of  flow. Hippocrates  –  the  ancient  Greek  doctor  and  philosopher  –   taught  his  students  a  very  basic principle  which  states  that  the  physical  and  spiritual  bodies  will  always  attempt  to  regain  a healthy  balance,  with  or  without  a  conscious  effort  on  behalf  of  the  person.   However,  it  is unfortunate how we sabotage this naturally occurring process with our thoughts and our deeds.

Living in a constant state of energy and bliss requires at least some degree of discipline.   We must  guard  our  thoughts  against  negative  emotions  and  thought  patterns,  for  these  cause nothing but energy bottlenecks and will hinder our level of potential energy.

When we refer to energy patterns, we are referring to a combination of the mental, spiritual and physical energies we all have.   There is an interdependent relationship going on between the forces  of  energy  that  make  up  our  total  persona.    Physical  energy  affects  mental  energy. Mental energy affects spiritual energy.   It is easy to understand and accept these relationships of energy – just go out and take a nice walk on a sunny day and observe how much better you feel mentally, physically, and yes, even spiritually.

A basic truth about energy is that there are various levels of it within us, ranging from the lowest form (bodily energy) to the highest form (spiritual energy).  According to Sir David R. Hawkins – M.D., Ph.D., and a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer – one’s energy  frequencies  can  actually  be  calibrated  on  a  scale  of  1  to  1,000.   Anything  calibrated below 200 is regarded as a negative and destructive energy.   For example, using kinesiology (muscle testing), he measures "shame" at 20, "guilt" at 30, "apathy" at 50, "grief" at 75, "fear" at 100, "desire" at 125, "anger" at 150 and "pride" at 175.

Our  goal  then,  is  to  overcome  the  lower  levels  and  attain  frequencies  of  200  or  above. Examples of the higher and more constructive levels are, "courage" at 200, "neutrality" at 250, "willingness"  at  310,  "acceptance"  at  350,  "reason"  at  400,  "love"  at  500,  "joy"  at  540,  and "peace" at 600 and "enlightenment” at 700-1000. As you can see, the further up the scale we go,  the  better  off  we  are.    We  will  always  attract  the  same  type  of  energy  frequency  to ourselves.

The energy which we attract to ourselves can come from another person or from the spiritual realm.   Just  know  that  energy  is  100%  reciprocal;  it  goes  out,  and  it  comes  back.   When  it comes back, it brings with it a like energy.  This is why it is possible to live in a constant state of energy and bliss.  It is based on scientific FACT.

To reiterate - why do we need to increase our energy patterns and frequencies?  Simply put, the higher, lighter and purer our frequency level resonates; the more it will allow us to attract the same  energy  frequency  from  the  spiritual  realm.     Energy  absolutely,  positively  attracts  the same kind of energy!   In essence, you will develop the capacity to attract a higher level spirit guide  who  will  always  put  your  best  interests  first,  plus  will  be  dedicated  to  your  continued spiritual growth.   In addition (as if this was not enough to get you jumping off your couch!), you will  have  a  stronger,  instantaneous  and  more  direct  link  with  the  spiritual  realm,  where  true energy and bliss originate.

There  is  one  other  interesting  point  which  Sir  David  makes  regarding  energy  calibration.   A person  who  calibrates  at  the  300  level  will  counterbalance  90,000  individuals  who  calibrate below the 200 level.   Or a person who calibrates at the 500 level will counterbalance 750,000 individuals who calibrate below the 200 level.  Therefore, the higher you can build your potential energy and hence your vibrational output, the more beneficial you become to the world at large.

We  should  take  advantage  of  every  opportunity  to  increase  our  frequency  –  that  is,  the frequency at which we vibrate and send out energy.  How?  Well if it’s true that energy attracts like energy, then every day there exists opportunities to attract positive energy to ourselves and uplift our spirits.  Smile and say hello to the person who delivers your mail.  Lend a helping hand to someone in need.  Help an elderly person cross the street.  These are just a few examples of how we can all take advantage of our external circumstances and begin attracting to ourselves like energy.

Just to clarify, the main focus of this section, and hence the entire book is this: energy at any frequency level attracts like energy.  If you truly understand this concept and make a decision to change your internal thought patterns, you will have more energy, and yes, life WILL be full of bliss.

To finish out this section, let us focus our attention on people who “flow upstream”; against the natural current of energy.   Have you ever noticed that some people appear to attract ill health and negative circumstances?   Every time you see them, they’re telling you things like,  “I just can’t win”, or “If this or that hadn’t happened to me, I could be somebody”, or the one I used to hear all the time as I was growing up, “life sucks and then you die”.  Man, I wish I had a dollar for  every time I  heard someone say that!   The truth is that these people are prone to failure because  they  subconsciously  expect  failure  to  be  a  part  of  their  life.   They  are  attracting  to themselves the exact same energy signals which they send out, even if they are joking.   Yes, even  when  we  joke  around  and  use  those  “whoa  is  me”  type  of  remarks,  our  subconscious minds go to work to ensure its reality; for it does not distinguish between a joke and a serious comment.

Many  people  are  clueless  to  the  fact  that  they  are  constantly  creating  their  own  energy bottlenecks.   They generally let circumstances determine not only who they are, but how they think.   These “lower  frequency”  people continually fail to realize  that  in order  to  change their circumstances on the outside, they must first change their internal reality.

The attraction of like energy really depends on how strong the outgoing signal is, as well as how often we affirm certain thoughts.   This is why affirmations are so important to developing our potential  energy and  attracting  our  deepest  desires.   Our  thoughts  send out  signals  (energy) and attract whatever we believe to be true in our lives.  Energy works through the subconscious mind and we can literally “trick” it into giving us the life we desire.  This will be covered in greater detail in Section 4.

“We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or

sorting the laundry.” E.B. White