Living Without Crutches by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Every successful man had once being a failure. Success actually stems from failure. If you don’t know what failure is, it is likely you will lack an idea what success is. Success and failure are actually two sides of a life coin and there can never be a middle point. It is either you fail or you succeed.

What is failure? It is not succeeding. It is not getting around the success rating. Is it a good crutch? Not at all. A good number of persons have come to depend on this crutch involuntarily. We often hang on this crutch not because we want to but it just sticks to us and we don’t know how to break off them.

Nobody loves to fail. Everyone loves to succeed.  But why does failure persist in spite of the love for success? Failure persist because

  • One does not have to make a CHOICE to fail. Success requires a choice. You’d have to choose to succeed, you don’t choose to fail. Failure is there by default.  just do nothing and failure pokes
  • One does not have to be REALISTIC to fail. Those who fail are either too ambiguous in their pursuit or think too little of themselves. Those who get success actually find their realistic self.
  • One does not have to be UP to fail. Failure does not try and will never try taking one step higher than he should. Just staying down is enough to fail.
  • One does not have to create a TALL ORDER to fail. Success actually pursues the ambitious, those who know how to create tall orders, work and walk towards accomplishing them.
  • One does not have to be COMMITTED to fail. Success requires commitment which is hard work. Failure requires just doing nothing. If you are committed to a task, you can be guaranteed a chance of success but if you hang around doing nothing, you will hang around failure for the rest of your life
  • One does not have to be HARDWORKING to fail. Hardwork is hard work. Only a person who wants to succeed goes ahead working hard. Those who don’t just do not work.
  • One does not have to be EXEMPLARY to fail. Successful people are always looked up to. They are role models who are copied by others. Failures just live careless lives. Being exemplary requires good input, being carefree requires doing nothing at all.
  • One does not have to be SERIOUS to fail. Being serious requires energy and time. A failure will not put in the energy and time required at it.

For the success minded, failure could be devastating. These persons are those who know what success is. They know that success is

  • CREATIVITY. You have to be creative i.e. be able to make something out of nothing. Those who enjoy success are actually the creative people. When you create, you form the platform upon which success will act
  • REACHING TOWARDS SET GOALS .You only attain success when you have a target that you have set to which you want to see happen. Success doesn’t come by mistake; it comes to those who set goals.
  • USURPING TALENT. There is a huge quantum of knowledge and talent inside you that has to be used. The success oriented man seeks for ways and more ways to use his talent to the fullest.
  • TRADING WISELY. Life is about what we buy and sell. You have to know what to give up and what to take. You lose some, you win some. It is actually you knowing what to lose and keep that matters.
  • COURTING GREATNESS. Successful people know their eyes have to be set on greatness. If it’s not greatness, it’s nothing else. They are very greatness conscious and do everything to reach for it.
  • HARDWORK. It will take a hardworking person to run towards success. Because success doesn’t come easy, one has to strive towards it. This strive will require that you put in enormous input and all the effort that you can to see it work.
  • EXCELLING. A successful person aims towards excellence in everything he does. Success is about excelling. Mediocrity isn’t part of the bargain. Becoming the best is all that is needed.
  • SENSATIONAL SATISFACTION. Success attracts satisfaction. It is very fulfilling when one has achieved so much and attained success. That is all the reward obtained after all the hard work and labors.

You can’t afford to dwell on the failure when you can do much more than you think and know. Success knocks on your door; open and get it.