We find ourselves in an impatient seemingly rat raced world where everyone is trying to hit something fast often to the detriment of some other person. Patience seems a quality that is fast becoming extinct. That’s bad news. The good news is, if you have to depend on a crutch, it is patience. The bible puts it like this; let everyone run with patience the race set before him.
Patience is an indispensable factor of faith. If you have faith to achieve a thing, you must be patient enough to work your faith to the realization of the thing you want. So many persons are often in a hurry that they lose that big deal that God has prepared for them and the big future plan.
It is sad that many would be achievers lost their opportunity to achieve on the platter of impatience and the world lost their voice.
You don’t want to fall amongst the statistics of those who assumed they knew it all and chose to run when they should have walked their way. Sadly, that’s the attribute of way too many persons.
Our world celebrates those who grab all they can grab at once but this does not often last long. The real achievers grab one at a time and soon have lasting legacies to leave for generations. Those who grab all they can grab at once tend to loose almost all.
Impatience is a result of greed. You don’t have to be greedy. Take life, one step, one piece, one goal, one meal at a time. More than one could have repulsive effects
You need the patience crutch to enable you
An inpatient crutch may seem to push you faster but then, you’ll end up