Living Without Crutches by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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If there is one crutch you don’t want to do without, it is this one. God! God is too necessary in your life. There has to be a deliberate consciousness to carry his crutch with you. God’s crutch embodies virtues that have the capacity to propel you into uncommon achievement.

God made you to fulfill his purpose. His purpose is the driving force for which he always desires us to align ourselves with. Without this particular crutch, you are helpless. God wants you to carry him with you. He wants you to know he loves to hang with you to help you become that fulfilled being. If you want a dependable crutch, find God.

Many times, there is the temptation for us to feel we can do it on our own. We think we don’t need God anyway. If you think you can do without God, you’d fall down soon with a broken limp

Here is why you need God

  • He CREATED you and he knows best how you are going to fit into the world
  • He is RESPONSIBLE for you and to you. God has a responsibility towards you as a maker and father to make the best you should be.
  • He UNLEASHES  his power to empower you to where he has envisioned for you
  • He TRAINS you. God has the ability to train you through life’s challenges to make you strong for that high position
  • He CULTURES you. God protects his own nurturing you with all that you need to be strong in life.
  • He HELPS and HOLDS you through to enable you stand firm and be who you are meant to be.
  • He ELEVATES you to great heights that you can never have envisaged even in your dreams
  • He SHIFTS you when you seem out of direction for your life.

Choosing to do without God is quite a deadly decision. Don’t want to

  • Cross over God’s purpose for your life
  • Ruin  God’s effort at trying to make you what he talks about
  • Upturn his high mission for your life
  • Take a step without him
  • Climb downwards from the heightened position he has placed
  • Heat out your God given capacity.

You need God’s dependable crutch. You need

  • His CROSS. The cross is God’s mandate to the world
  • His REASONING. His thoughts are good thoughts to see you become what he talks about
  • His UNITY. God is united in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to make out of you a success.
  • His TOTALITY. You need all of God through his son Jesus Christ.
  • His CRITICISM. If god criticizes you, it’s the best thing for you because after his chastising comes great things.
  • His HIGHNESS. If God is the highest then nothing can reach his height.
  • His EXEMPLARY nature. He is what makes you exemplary amongst your peers.
  • His SAVING grace. God is interested in saving us from being hell bound to a joyful heavenly bound people.

God is that crutch you need to hang on to. That crutch is his cross. That cross is JESUS

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