Living Without Crutches by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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I remember that time when I was little and had to depend on my parents for everything. I often hoped that one day; the tide would turn and I would not have to look in their direction. Everyone had that little days of dependency but a time comes when you think, you just have to go solo and do your thing. That time is called maturity. At maturity, having someone help us do a thing we can do by ourselves becomes hurting and painful.

We come into the world with a consciousness that after the period of training and weaning, we develop certain capability that makes us independent. Parents send their children to school so that they can be independent with the right skills. There is always the instinct that tells us that we should live our own lives. This instinct grows with us from when we started developing skills to help us with that future independence.

A child at his late teens begins to show that need for independence strongly against the guidance of the parents but the parents do allow him the freedom until he is around eighteen to twenty years when he is believed to be able to make independent decisions and defend his decisions.

life often supplies us with very dificult scenarios. The reason is this; life has superior powers that tend towards pressing us into submission and incapacitation. If you’ve seen a man with crutches, you would have observed how difficult those with crutches walk and work.

The crutches are meant to support them so that they could make better movements than they have being doing. I happened to have being in a crusade where wonderful miracles happened. The preacher prayed for those with different ailments including those who made use of crutches. He told the men with crutches to throw the crutches off and walk aright in the spirit of miracles. One man though, because of his fears refused to do away with the crutches that even when he had received his miracle, he never knew because the crutches were still hanging on to his legs.

Because life has placed crutches of limitations and dependency around us, we think that this is the way life should be. We accept the crutches even when they are unnecessary and not needed. There are situations that are crutches.  It is important we know when things around us become crutches.   We may be living our lives without knowing we could do more and get more than we are getting. We may accept the contentment that it supplies but that is not where we should be.

Life promises for everyone, unlimited independent possibilities. This is only available when you break away from that thing that is holding you down, those crutches. Then you can jump straight on into full strength and the fullness that life supplies.

In this book you will discover those crutches you are holding on to and then you will get the courage and strength to throw it off and walk straight on to your destiny in God.