Love Circle Series - Vol 1 - Speedy Way To Love by Gordon Morris - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Understand The Rules


Inquire about the dress code if it's not readily evident from the venue. "Business casual" is commonly the norm, while a private club or a posh bar will deserve a dressier appearance. If you were on a first date with one individual --as opposed to several dozen with speed dating --consider what you'd wear to this certain setting.

Comprehend the rules of the speed dating procedure. While these will be reviewed prior to the beginning of the event, it's crucial to accept that you can't initiate any dates or ask for personal contact info during the chat portion of the event. Nor may you walk out of a boring conversation before time has been called.


Have a closer look at the location of the speed dating event prior to committing to an outfit. If the location is casual and laid-back, wear something that would be appropriate on a first date to that place. However, if the location is upscale, trendy or high-end, make certain to pick out your clothing appropriately.

As well, consider what message you wish to present on a first date - with 10 or more individuals. Many individuals will wish to groom themselves attractively with something special to center on, without appearing trashy or inappropriate. So attempt to wear something unusual that sticks out so that your dates will  remember you as the "one with the nice necklace" instead of the "one with a bit much skin exposed".

There are lots of tips for ensuring you get the best speed date possible. A few top tips are:

  • To attract one another, men ought to wear blue and women ought to wear red.
  • Women ought to wear the scents of vanilla and cinnamon to attract men
  • Men may better their chances by sporting a black licorice scent.
  • Refrain from getting boozed up.
  • Smile.

Speed dating almost all of the time is conducted the same way, with a couple of variances on the placement of the daters, the time limit and so on. In most cases, the women sit and stay seated for the length of the speed-dating event.

Once a bell or other noise sounds, the men each sit across from a female of their choice. The couples then have a determined amount of time to converse with one another. True to its name, speed dating commonly only allows a few minutes per "date," so that everybody in the room is allowed a chance to mingle. When the bell sounds once again, the men get up and move to their right to begin a fresh "date."

Scoring techniques

At most speed-dating events, a card and pen will be handed to each of the daters. On this card, participants are to score or rate every one of their dates for future reference. This is crucial, as you might meet up to 20 individuals in one night and might not remember the name of the individual you liked the best.

Scoring ought to be done discreetly between dates while the men are traveling around. You might score a date on appearance, conversation and even any sort of immediate glint or attraction that you feel towards your date. Simply make certain to write down the name of everybody you see to keep your thoughts organized.

Encounter Rules

While a few minutes isn't much time to delve into deep conversation, it frequently will yield enough of a 1st impression so that you are able to make a judgment on whether or not you and a date will be compatible. All the same, there are a few things that are off-limits to discuss while speed dating.

  • The 1st is profession. This is because too frequently a dater will make a snap judgment about an individual’s job without getting to know the true individual.
  • You likewise are not allowed to discuss where you're from, to rule out those who simply want to date somebody from their own area.
  • You may as well not trade or ask for contact information.

The goal of speed dating is to encounter as many individuals as you are able to find a match, so discuss interests, or preferred activities, foods or hobbies.

On the set aside night, you drive to a local venue, maybe a coffeehouse, pay the really reasonable fee (much cheaper than popcorn and a film for 2), and then tell the organizer your age range, which may be 20-29, 30-39, or 40 and up.

Every age range is presented a particular time block in the evening in which to mingle with the opposite sex.

Then when the named hour comes, the single women are required to disperse themselves around the room, one woman per table, and the single gentlemen are then expected to go from table to table when presented the go ahead from the organizer. You've a few minutes to discuss anything that pops into your head with that individual of the opposite sex.

Before the race starts, you're given a piece of paper and instructed to write your name, number, and age category at the top. Then you put the name of each guy or girl that you meet that night on the lines below. After the conversation, you're asked to label every name with either “interested,” “not interested,” or “simply friends.”

At the finish of the evening, you're presented a chance to finalize your thoughts and turn in the piece of paper to the organizer, who tallies the results over the next few of days.

The organizer looks to see if there are any matches. If you pick, suppose, “Joe” as the one you're “interested” in on your piece of paper, and Joe checks “interested” by your name on his piece of paper, then you have a match.

The speed dating organizer then telephones both parties and provides the corresponding numbers. From there, the girl may call the guy, or the guy may call the girl. Either way is all right.

Most importantly, be yourself. Which may understandably be hard in a high stress situation like a first date, multiplied by however many individuals you're meeting in one evening. However, being yourself is imperative to speed dating success, particularly if you're looking for a long term, committed relationship.

Would you wish to meet a bunch of individuals who were putting on a face simply to get a different date? Naturally not. So by being as comfy as you are able to, you'll be secure in knowing that everybody else you're meeting is seeing the true you, and if they wish to meet you once more outside of the speed dating event, it's because they're authentically interested.