MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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WINNERS NEVER QUIT: Quitters never win

“The people who change the world are the people who have taken the word impossible out of their dictionaries.” Dr. Myles Munroe

After nearly two years of working in India’s Capital New Delhi, with an international Non-Governmental Organization which has country offices around the world, I decided to pack my bags and head back home. Prior to that, I had been given the opportunity to renew my contract and possibly stay for another year or two in the diaspora. The job was great and it gave me an opportunity to fly around and rub shoulders with some really great minds from different ethnic backgrounds. Funny as it may sound, there was actually a time I got tired of flying from city to city and hoping on planes, something I had not envisioned prior to taking the job. As great as the job was, I just had to move on because I felt my time was done there and I needed to make progress in other areas. At 28 I felt I had a whole future ahead of me and there was so much I wanted to achieve and I had to do it in the motherland.

Armed with nothing but a dream, newly acquired skills and my paraphernalia, I was on my way back home. Long story short, the process of settling in back home was not as smooth as I had anticipated. Soon my savings ran out and my movements were limited, I was jobless and slowly but surely becoming broke and nearly homeless. I was taken in by my spiritual mama as I continued to try out freelance graphic designing and hustling on the streets of Lusaka. There were days when I did not have a penny in my pocket (I said penny because Ngwee doesn’t have much swag to it) LOL… I either had to walk or hitch hike my way back home. This is the same guy that was hopping on planes and sleeping in 5 star hotels just less than a year before. Nevertheless, I never did believe that leaving my job in hopes of becoming an entrepreneur was a mistake. I do however believe that the transition may have been a little ill-advised and there were a lot of things I did not factor in. That said, I still was not ready to throw in the towel, and that was never going to happen. Quitting was never an option even when it seemed like an option. I would rather pause, go back to the drawing board and re-strategize than quit. And that’s exactly what I did. Today I still work a day-job but I’m still building my business, it is alive and well, it is not dead and it is not dying any time soon.

Whatever we embark on in this world we should know for a fact that we are going to face obstacles, barriers and discouragements. Somebody said the true measure of a man is not how he stands in times of peace and tranquility, but how he stands in times of trouble and turmoil. In an exam there is the fear of failure, in a relationship the fear of a breakup. In business the fear of a loss or of running bankrupt. What happens when these fears become reality? Quitting is never a solution because quitting makes failure permanent. Success demands perseverance even after a series of failures. You lose nothing by trying to succeed in what you last failed, matter of fact it is an opportunity to move in with an alternative strategy and with renewed passion. In 1 Samuel 6 David encounters a major flop when he attempts to take the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He missed out very important requirements that God had given to Moses. Everything was written out in the Pentateuch, all David had to do was read and observe those rules. Well, despite that major set-back David did not give up on the mission completely. He went back to the books of Moses and figured out the correct way to do it then attempted the move for a second time. Guess what? It worked. Can you imagine what record could have been left if he hadn’t tried again? Winners NEVER quit and quitters NEVER win.

Abraham Lincoln, one of most popular former presidents of the United States of America (USA) faced defeat in more than five elections before he was finally elected President of the USA in 1860. If you know your purpose in life it does not matter how many times you fail, you must keep trying until you finally succeed. You must believe that you are the right person for the job. If others have made it in their fields despite great failures, what makes you any different? You can do it because you were wired to succeed. You have got to  determine within yourself that nothing will dare stop you. You must fight to the bitter end in order to test the sweetness of victory. Do not settle for the status quo, desire to break your own record, they say to make omelet you need to break some eggs. There are no short-cuts to success ,you must give what is required of you. Remember the saying that ‘Rome was not built in a day’. Do not expect to complete a three weeks job in one day, you are setting yourself up for failure. You have the ability to excel within you. Believe and have confidence in yourself. Someone said promotion only comes when you are overqualified for your current job. You cannot progress if you still have unfinished business. You quit on yourself now, you quit on your future and you quit on generations to come that are dependent on your success. May you rise above your past failures today? MOVE