MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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YOUR MIND, YOUR LIFE: Think your way through

“Possibilities are infinite, only your thoughts set the limit.”

The mind is the control center of all human endeavor. A control center is the place from whence all the functions of a system can be managed or manipulated. He who takes charge of the control center takes charge of the whole system. The system in this sense is your body, mind and soul that toes into your whole life. Your mind carries a tremendous power because whatever the mind contains will eventually be evident in your life.

Your life will follow the dictates of your mind. The amazing story of Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore illustrates this very well. His dream of transforming Singapore from a third world state to a first world state was achieved by first changing the mind sets of his people from thinking of themselves as third world to seeing themselves as first world. In order for your life to change the first to change must be your mind. In order for a world to change the first to change must be the minds of people. Thought-pattern gives birth to lifestyle. Sometimes the only reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is because the rich are ever thinking of how to make wealth, wealth and more wealth, but the poor are always thinking about their poverty. The only difference between you and the rich fellow in the next street could very possibly be the way you think versus the way he thinks. Most big businesses begun with one simple idea. What you know changes what you are. A simple young man who goes and invests seven plus years in medical school will soon become a Doctor because of the knowledge he gains. His identity will soon change from a simple young man to a respected Doctor. Things we see and hear are really small compared to what we think.

What you can accomplish mentally can be accomplished in the natural. What defeats you mentally defeats you in reality. The town planner completes his plan mentally, puts it on paper then completes it physically. If you can believe it you can certainly achieve it. A continuous thought pattern builds into what is called a stronghold. Thought leads to imagination, which then leads to action and if constantly repeated leads to a stronghold or in other words, a habit not easily broken. A habit can be positive or negative depending on its impact on your life.

Every negative thought must be countered with a positive thought from the word of God. You must align every thought with what God says about you. Deal with your weakness now before it manifests in the height of your success. Very few things can conquer a man who has conquered himself. MOVE