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THE EAGLE MENTALITY: Soar above the storm

“Two people will see a beehive at the same time, one will think of how he can get the honey and get close, the other will think of how fatal a bee sting is and run, your attitude determines your fate”.

Besides others one major reason for where we are today is because of our attitude. Attitude towards school, attitude towards our parents and guardians, towards people, towards the circumstances we face in life and towards life as a whole. Our attitude in any situation will determine how long we stay in it. Our attitude towards people will determine the quality our relationships and social networks. I’m sure you’ve read or heard about how a full grown eagle behaves during a raging storm. When a storm rages most birds of the air run for shelter and stay under cover until the storm calms down. Not so with the mighty eagle. It is in a storm that an eagle stands out from among the rest of the bird family. It spreads its wings and lets the storm send it on a higher altitude sowing higher and higher over the storm. This ought to teach you and me something. God has called us to be like the eagles, he likens his children to the mighty eagle. Psalm 103:5 “…Who satisfies thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strengths, they shall mount up with wings as eagles…” When we encounter a storm in life it is not time to run into hiding but time to face up to it and deal with it. If you run from your problem today you will be running for the rest of your life. You need to see your stumbling block as a stepping stone to a higher level. They say if you want to get what you have never had, you must be ready to do what you have never done. Extra-ordinary people do extra-ordinary things. Attitude is an expression of your inner convictions. We will tell how you view or feel about something or someone by your attitude. Your attitude gives you away. Resolve this day to have an attitude like that of the eagle, adopt the eagle mentality today if you are to make progress during difficult times. See opportunity in every difficulty. Separate yourself from the chickens, soar to higher levels. It’s very easy for an eagle to impress chickens and walk away feeling nice about itself, but why would an eagle be wasting time trying to impress chickens? It’s only when the eagle does not truly realize it’s potential.

Determine today to take life by the horns, regardless of what life has thrown at you, it is not time throw a pity party and start feeling sorry for yourself. Groaning and whining about how life has been so unfair to you. Life will give you what you fight for, everything else is a bonus. Your growth and maturity comes as you are able to face up to greater and bigger challenges. Every challenge that comes your way is nothing but another opportunity to expose the champion in you. MOVE