MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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WORDS; Lock or key, you choose

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love shall eat it’s fruit.”  Proverbs 18:21

Words carry tremendous immeasurable power. This power has the ability to kill or to revive life, to pull down or to build up, to construct or to destruct. With words you can lock yourself into a self-made prison or you can break free from that prison. There are some people that are so careless with their words, they do not give much thought to the things they say. There are others on the other hand that have fooled a lot of people only because they knew how to play with words. They say a man is only as good as his word. Words expose a certain aspect of your personality and that is why it is difficult to get to know someone who does not like talking with people. Words show what the mind is thinking, more so what it believes, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” The beliefs of the heart and the convictions of the mind are expressed through words. I often wondered why God would exalt his word above his name, then it dawned on me. If you cannot keep your word what good is your name? Where your word goes your integrity follows. You integrity is only as good as your last words. Your name remains strong as long as your word remains strong. Words can get you in trouble but they also get you out of trouble. Every word that proceeds from your mouth is either bringing life to you and others or bringing death. Someone said he that says I CAN’T is just as right as he that says I CAN, they will both have what they confess because that is what they believe. When you say; ‘I cannot pass Math, I cannot speak in public, I cannot do this and that’ you immediately kill and malfunction every ability to do that particular thing. You are simply affirming with your mouth what your mind has been conditioned to believe.

The same is true when you speak of other people like; ’You will never amount to anything, you are such a dumb fool, you can’t do anything right’ You are simply planting seeds that begin to grow an attitude that brings to a standstill everything within them that could have given them the drive to breakthrough. So instead of using words negatively and locking ourselves and others in chains, we can use them positively. When we speak positively whether to ourselves or others, we bring to life the power within us to enable us to breakthrough. Speak life to yourself daily.

But what do you do when everyone is speaking negative about you? The first thing you can do is to stop dwelling your thoughts on their negativity.

If you dwell on those sentiments you will soon convince yourself that they are right. Remember that people will always talk and they have a right to their own opinion. You need to know what you are doing, keep yourself focused if you are to live victorious.

Three quarters of the children with bad language had a parent or guardian with bad language. The words we use towards little children have a great impact upon them.

Therefore take heed that every word that proceeds from your mouth is positive and constructive. Take heed the words you feed into your system, for you ultimately will become what you listen to. Speak life to yourself and others daily. You can download a copy of the believer’s daily declaration from this link

Remember Matthew 12:37,’By your words you will be justified and by your words, you will be condemned.’ MOVE