MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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YAKETY YAK! – Yada yada-blah blah blah!

“Let the dogs bark, while the car moves on.”


In our walk on the face of this earth we must come to the full realization that people will always talk. No matter how good you are or how great your deeds, there will always be somebody who will find fault with you. Now of course the talk that goes round can carry certain truth in it sometimes because there’s no smoke without fire, but remember that talk that goes round is none of your business. If you concern yourself with what everyone is saying about you, you will soon be a bed-ridden wreck awaiting burial. Many have caused themselves stress and mental strain because they gave themselves to trying to rectify rumors and correcting people’s misconceptions. I’m all for standing up for what you believe in and putting people in perspective but to make that a daily task does more harm than good.

Not everything you do will please everybody. Most great people were first labeled insane or arrogant because they endeavored to do what no other man had ever attempted. The Wright brothers got a very strong rebuke from their preacher father because they claimed man could fly someday. People that endeavor to break records will always provoke a lot of talk because they pause a threat to the laziness and mediocrity of humanity which many have embraced. Before you embark on a project or major dream, get your ‘tools’ together and then begin your work. Anything people say to distract you is should not pre-occupy your mind. My favorite Bible character is a cool and smart dude whose leadership style will blow your mind away. A real standup guy by the name of Nehemiah. He never gave in to the naysayers when he was embarking on the humongous task of rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem.

Do not waste time trying to understand what people are saying, you will cause yourself unnecessary stress. You are not responsible for letting everybody understand what you are doing. Even if you tried you would fail lamentably. An individual who truly knows himself or herself will not be moved by negative remarks, yet they will give ear to constructive criticism. When you make a mistake that causes people to talk, learn from the mistake and move on. Leave them to do the talking and be about your father’s business. Life is too short to waste it on man pleasing.

I must mention that the last place you would expect negative talk is the Church, but sadly you get a lot it around Church folk all in the name of ‘sharing’. The words of an enemy will bounce off like a tennis but negative words from trusted brothers and sisters can cause serious damage. Church folk will sometimes talk about you in a way that will shock you. As a matter of fact the talk of church folk is more dangerous because they will use scripture to back up their trash. So be very careful how you relate with people and what words you take to heart.

Concentrate on what God says about you and let that define you. MOVE