MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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YOU ARE A LIVING EPISTLE: Give us a thrilling read

“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” 2 Corinthians 3:2

Your life is like a book with many pages. Every action you take opens a new page with a new piece of writing in that book. You never know who is reading and on what page they are or at what time they are reading. If at all you want to send out a message to the people around you, make sure that what they are reading in that book marches the things proceeding from your mouth. One must endeavor to discover themselves and be original. The most miserable man on the face of the earth is the man who has been everybody else but himself.

What has made the Church seem irrelevant in some settings is because the lives of some preachers have contradicted their own sermons. If a book is consistent with its subject, it is basically a good book. But a book that contradicts itself chapter to chapter is pathetic, I wouldn’t want to read it myself. What kind of message do you want to send out to your readers? Is it a message of integrity and morality or corruption and compromise? It’s up to you to live what you believe. The people who had the greatest influence on the world are not those that knew how to speak well but those whose words were consistent with their actions. There is something about practical preaching that catches the mind of man. The great African iconic leader Nelson Mandela said ‘be the change you want to see’ and he exemplified it with his lifestyle.

It is true to say that no man is perfect, we all make mistakes. Some people have a big brother eye on you, waiting for you to make a mistake. That should not make you uncomfortable because we are all bound to make mistakes at one time or another. We therefore need to spot our mistakes and learn from them or better yet learn from the mistakes of others.

Remember that you do not have to be a big figure in society to make a difference, wherever God has placed you is the place to start. If you want a ministry, begin with your own life and let that be the ministry you want to establish. If it’s a hospitality ministry fill your life with hospitality, if it’s a Teaching ministry, fill your life with teaching, if it’s a singing ministry fill your life with spiritual songs; the list goes on. Everything becomes an extension of your own life. Your ministry begins now not five or ten years from now. Find your place of opportunity and ‘let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven’.  Matthew 5:16 MOVE