MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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POWER OF PRAYER-It works when you work it

“It is they that fully understand the power and capabilities of a given weapon or tool that you will find using it. The reason we don’t pray as much is because we don’t fully comprehend the power of prayer”

This could undoubtedly be the most important chapter in this book. Prayer carries mysterious power that no human being can fully comprehend. When all is said and done in this life, there comes a place where man’s capabilities become inadequate. There are certain things in this lifetime that money, power or influence have never been able to accomplish. It is only through the exercise of engaging and invoking high powers through prayer that certain things can be achieved.

Stagnation and delay can often be sad realities in this life, causing frustration and depression. I do not recommend prayer as the last resort after what I have outlined in the last nineteen chapters; I rather recommended that prayer is treated as the most important step in making any type of progress. Prayer initiates, sustains and fuels progress.

Through prayer one can soar above life’s circumstances and breakthrough to new levels and new territories. Through prayer stubborn chains and situations give way to you and allow you to see things from a whole new perspective. By prayer, dreams are birthed and brought to life.

By prayer stubborn hearts are soften and raging storms are quieted to tranquility.

By now I’m sure you’re beginning to see the connection prayer has to your overall progress in life. Someone said you can only go as far your prayer life. The prayers of the faithful saints from yesteryear are the ones carrying us across the present. That means we must earnestly and heavily invest in prayer today in order to secure tomorrow.

By prayer we reach out into the future and command a reshaping of situations and circumstances. It is by prayer that we plant and uproot, by prayer we speak life into the lifeless. A life of prayer is a life of progress and a life of progress is a life of prayer. Prayer will open doors that the strongest and most powerful men have failed to open. Prayer will win court cases that the best lawyers have failed to win. To engage in prayer is to engage with God and to engage with God is to engage with the supernatural. When a natural man begins to operate in the supernatural he begins to have unfair advantage over others. That’s exactly what prayer will do for you. This is true of both good and evil. People in a desperate search for power, wealth and influence over others begin to meddle with things they have no business meddling with, such as witchcraft, Satanism and black magic. Sadly with the deceptive ‘assistance’ of Satan many have gone on to exercise temporal advantage over others by using demonic powers.

Thank God that there’s power in the name of Jesus Christ to destroy all the powers of darkness put together. That power can only be generated through the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous. James 5:16b says, ‘…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth  much.’ You want power? Look to God and not Satan. Satan’s power will self-destruct but God’s power brings life. You can access God’s power through prayer. You want to achieve something significant? Pray. You want to MOVE a stubborn mountain? Pray. You want to change things around you? Pray. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and once you are done praying, get up and do what you hear God saying and when you’re done, get back on your knees and pray some more. Make prayer, your lifestyle. Like someone rightly said, ‘a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian’, and if you are a stranger to prayer, you will be a stranger to power. Point. Blank. Period. AMEN

 “……the intention of the principles contained in this book is that it might become a source of instruction in life in the pursuit of your destiny and significance in life and your life of impact in your generation till the end of time.” Coach  Maurice Mvula