MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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Every so often, a gem of divine thought can shed light upon mankind for centuries to come. Such is the case with principles that are written in this power tool (book) for transformation.

Profound as these principles may be, they are never meant to serve as a museum piece in the history of ideas. The intention of the principles contained in this book is that it might become a source of instruction in life in the pursuit of your destiny and significance and impact in your generation till the end of time.

And it is pursuant to this larger purpose that the book you hold in your hand was written. Ever since I sat down to read the manuscript to this book, I have admired the author’s total commitment to excellence in the way the book has been written and how God’s word has been handled. As a student of God’s word, Gabriel aka GabbyGP has the ability of pulling large clusters of text together in the service of disseminating a single truth. In this way he makes the word of God come alive for contemporary people (teens, young adults, and old people) in the common walk of life.

I remember GabbyGP in 1996 giving his life to the lord and over the level of development that God has brought him to. He is such a young man with a passion to serve his generation. Jesus has always been the center of his writings even in College and life. In an age of instability, confusion among young people, GabbyGP has always stayed on the course with a commitment to writing and ministering on issues that affect the young people of our time. Like a lion relentlessly pursuing its target animal, he goes after God’s passion of his life with all the energy of the chase.

The pages of the book breathe with life principles about true Philosophy that will revolutionize your life. Not the artificial life of human wisdom, but that which flows from God. This book is a good tool for our young people in the Churches or even outside of Church to help them develop a Philosophy of life that will be the foundation for their impactful leadership role in the area of their calling or gifting.


Author’s Mentor & Life Coach