MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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This book seeks to dissolve and obliterate the leaven of mediocrity, to demolish the mental and psychological fortresses of ignorance in the life of the reader and detox minds that have been brainwashed or intoxicated by the wisdom, ideologies and philosophies of this world. So many people in this world are searching for a higher power and seeking something that will fill up the void in their hearts, fire up their passion and rejuvenate their zapped energies. So many people are stuck in frustration, stagnation and self-pity. It is sad that most have settled for less than what life has to offer them owed to the gruesome challenges that life often comes with. Then there are those that seem to have made it yet they still struggle with disappointment and depression because they have not found satisfaction and fulfillment for their yearning souls even after achieving what the world sees as high levels of success. This book offers a starting point for insights that will unlock keys to making progress in almost any area of one’s endeavor. What is important is not so much the literal part of this book but the divine revelation and insight flowing out of this text to provide wisdom and guidance into life changing decisions that will impact your life and those around you forever. The contents of this book challenge the status quo mentality and catapult you into the eagle mentality that will propel you to rise above the standards and norms of this world.

Unless otherwise stated, all Bible quotes are taken from the King James Version (KJV) and are italicized in bold font.