MOVE - The Philosophy of Progress by GabbyGP - HTML preview

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The foundation of true leadership is philosophy. The quality of the leadership is determined by the Philosophy of the leader, not by his skills or educational qualifications. Leadership here is used not to mean having a particular position in an organization, but is made in reference to the area of your calling and gifting in life. Philosophy is the foundation of belief and thought. It determines the motives and convictions which regulate our actions and behavior. It does not matter how skilled you are or the books you have read, if your philosophy is contaminated, you are defective. Proverbs 23:7a “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...” The way one thinks controls one’s actions. Therefore the quality of one’s leadership is a direct reflection of one’s beliefs, from which he bases or his values. Philosophy is a combination of two Greek words: ‘philo’ which means love and ‘sophy’ which means to know or think. Philosophy therefore means to be in love with your thoughts or what you know. A philosopher is somebody who has become consumed with their thoughts or their thoughts have consumed them and they live from that basis of thinking. Therefore everybody is a philosopher. God forbid that the Church should turn philosophy into a bad word, when everybody in this life has a philosophy of life.

Philosophy being a way of thinking has to do with the ideas that create your thoughts, produce your ideology and eventually determine your behavior.