Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Now! The Time To Act For Unlimited Men


When limit placing challenges arrives, the initial thing that happens is doubt arrives and next we develop fear that the challenge is going to overwhelm us. Our fears and doubts makes us give up totally about trying to challenge it and we postpone our challenge till later when we hope to have garnered enough resources to face them.

This may be difficult to believe but it carries some substance of truth. No one ever gets over challenges. No one ever becomes too experience to challenge challenges. Challenges always change face when it knows you have found a way around it and become even bigger later on. With each success you make at each challenge, one new one arrives.

Challenge placing limits don’t give way because it thinks you are fearful. The more fearful you are, the bigger it becomes. It only shifts the moment you begin to act against it.

Procrastination could be very disastrous especially when your challenges are overwhelming. When you see that the limits are huge, that’s just the time to act. You don’t have to think that you are waiting to be experienced. Experience only arrive en-route facing the limit placing challenge.

Challenging limits is like fighting against an opposition combat team. If you fail to act because of fear, the enemy overruns you and you may have no chance to return an attack when all your weapons have being taken from you. Gaining experience become useless. However when you know the opposition is strong and you know you lack the strength but you decide to fight anyway, it’s only a matter of time before you discover loopholes on the enemies’ side.

It’s not the quantity of men that win battles, it is the quality. You don’t look at size, you look at brains, not at guns but at tactics. When we face challenges and we look at how small we are against them, that’s how we remain. But if you think that one man can challenge a thousand, then you can.

When German’s Nazi army attacked Great Britain, the latter were unprepared for the ambush. The Germans sent bombs over the country and before the Brits could rally against them, they were overwhelmed. Soldiers had died and the ammunitions were no match for the Germans. Wheatstone Churchill acknowledged however that if they did nothing, the country would fall. They’d rather die fighting and die honorably. He rallied the soldiers and those who believed in his movement and pushed the Germans out of their territory in no time. If his soldiers had failed to act, today history could have taken a different story.

No one cares about Churchill’s predecessor who had the chance to wage the war earlier but had accepted to make a pact with the Germans for fear.

I often expect my pupils to carry out instructions immediately I give it to them because there is a time bound for which an action could be relevant. If they fail to do it when I tell them to do it, they may not get the same result.

We don’t have to live anything we do to time and chance. As much as chance and time happens to everyone, chance and time only arrives when you have chosen to act now in anticipation of that time and chance. Your present action will determine if time and chance will arrive.

Unlimited men are constantly at work now because they realize that each now labor counts for the future being anticipated. You may have a great future with big dreams but it will never arrive if you don’t begin to work towards that future.

An athlete who wants to win a race must start the race first. However huge he think his talents at running is, if he doesn’t run, he doesn’t have the chance to win. He has to run when everyone is meant to run. A few seconds later could be disastrous. An athlete who has an eye for gold medal in a major event have to be running common races now.

A person who wants to be a famous actor must start now to act little dramas. A person who wants to write great songs must start from now to write for the local choir. When you set a high target, you also place high limits which are only broken with each now action towards them.

A big book doesn’t arrive immediately you have a thought of it, you have to be diligent to start writing “now” and every other “now” before the reality of the book manuscript arrives. Great successes arrived because the people who achieved them chose not to sleep but to act in the present their future success. They did not leave what they were supposed to do yesterday for today. They started when starting was difficult.

All those people we celebrate today will always tell you that now is the right time to start at what you intend to do however the limits that abound around it. If you desire to be an author, start to write now, if you desire to dance, start dancing now. If you desire to be a singer, start singing now. Whatever you hope to be in the future will only wait for the actions of today. Start acting now!!!