Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Instilling In Yourself And Other Unlimited Attributes.


The unlimited man has certain attributes that make him the person that he is. These attributes are generally seen amongst people who have found their unlimited side. Your quest to be unlimited is an inspiring quest that requires that certain part of you is developed.

So much as we know that we have to be bold, strong, courageous, diligent, determined, persistent and filled with energy, most persons don’t develop this attributes. We often want big things and we want it fast. It’s great to have a big eye for great achievements but that’s not enough. You need to develop the right qualities to get those big things.

One quality that characterizes unlimited people is their propensity for hard work. They are always working at doing something. They put their time and energy to make what they do work and it works for them. They are always doing something in the direction of their limits, and they break their limits.

Unlimited people believe. They believe that today’s little will turn out big. They are not afraid to start out small because with each small step they take, they see the big future out there. They see the huge possibilities of tomorrow so they keep going.

Unlimited people believe in themselves. They may not have everything they need and they are not afraid to admit that but they know that in spite of their inadequacies, they have to continue at their dreams till they achieve it.

Unlimited people see the future from today. They will never accept how people think or what the opinion of others is about them. As far as they are concerned, the future is great in spite of the limits they are faced with.

Unlimited people radiate confidence. Confidence pushes them to get going. They beam with life and believe in their own ability to do anything and be successful at it. They don’t think they can’t. However challenging the task, the watch word is “I can” and they always get things done.

Unlimited people are always cheerful. They are always happy and show it in their behavior and expressions. This attribute stimulates others too who want to exhibit their lifestyle. You can’t be unlimited and gloomy. The two don’t meet. If you are doing great things and you derive satisfaction from it, it’s written all over your face.

Unlimited people are phenomenal. They are always too successful and impressive that they are never overlooked. Even when everyone is succeeding, they go an extra mile to define the success. When everyone is failing and things are falling apart, they never fall and theirs can never fall apart. They keep rising and rising.

You need all these great attributes to become part of you. It takes time to build them but one need to consciously develop them. you have to study to be quiet, speak confidence even if you have doubts, act faith even if you have fears, keep a cheerful face however angry situations make you become, see the great future however small today may seem, believe in yourself even if others think you can’t and be phenomenal, rise to the huge heights of possibilities.

About instilling in people these attributes, the best way is to affect people through your example. Everyone looks out to someone who can give direction, whose life portrays what he says and how he lives. When you live a life that portrays success and it is clearly seen, people around you follow your steps and will become success too. Success is contagious, when you succeed and you open your mind to helping people succeed, they’d succeed just like you.

You can influence people by the way you think. When you think possible and preach possible , everyone around you begins to think the same way too. Right thinking people magnet similar thinking people and produce same thinking persons too.

I’ve written in an earlier chapter that you have to plan to influence people. The qualities you have can influence people. Your time keeping, punctuality, and dedication could motivate and inspire people to also develop these attributes in themselves especially when they see the success you are achieving because of them.

Make plans to influence. You can share your knowledge and experience. People want to hear, read and watch them. The big motivational and inspiration speakers such as Zig Zigler made their names sharing with people timeless secret that they have applied to becoming the unlimited personalities that we now celebrate. People are connecting with their experiences and becoming successes too.

Every successful unlimited man has a series of success stories to share. Coca-Cola is a celebrated drink but when the founder started out, it was just another drink being sold in kettles somewhere in a little town in Pennsylvania in the USA. It took seeing huge possibilities for the drink to move from that little town to a global brand. The Coca-Cola story is an interesting story of how a drink considered worthless at the beginning when the owner chose to sell it to become a best-selling drink years later.

If you develop the right qualities and it works for you, it’s soon going to work for everyone, but this can only happen if you share the knowledge. A teacher passes down what he knows to students who grow up to become teachers too and pass down the same information.

If you love to see people become like you, and you think you are worth being looked up to, you sure are carrying an unlimited flame. Pass on your candle, soon the world will be lit with your fire.