Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Ideals Of Unlimited Men


Unlimited men are idealists. An idealist is a person who has a strong belief in perfect standards and tries to achieve them even when this is not easily attainable. There’s always a perfect standard that they hope to reach and they work constantly towards that standard.

One ideal unlimited men share is the quest to achieve great things. Unlimited men don’t think mediocre. They aim for so high, to be the best at everything they do. They know only those who stay at the top are unlimited because there is actually no one to challenge at the top than themselves. They will never accept second phase even if they are given so much to stay there. Their belief is greatness must be attained by doing all they can do.

Unlimited men are always punctual. They are always right on time at the center of any event because they don’t want to miss any part of it. They know that the smallest part they miss could be all they should have benefitted even if the event was to take the whole of the day. They never miss a day of an event  and it often hurts them so, if circumstances forces them.

Unlimited men develop poise. They move and stand in an elegant way that transmits an aura of dignity to those around them. they are always calm and relax about any situation even when the situation limits them. They feel that the situation can’t stop them and it doesn’t.

Unlimited men set big goals and begin to work towards accomplishing them immediately they set at them. Even when they lack the resources for their goals, this doesn’t stop them. For them, the bigger the goals, the greater the chance of becoming big. They walk every step no matter how little it is they make.

Unlimited men produce unlimited men. They are apt at teaching and share their knowledge to produce people who could become like them. They take pride in knowing that some other person has found some value in themselves because of their effort however little it is.

Unlimited men celebrate others. They are never jealous of the other man’s achievement. They always give chance for some other person to show what capacity they have and that should be celebrated. They make the motivation for the celebration of others.

Unlimited men study. They read books in diverse field. They aren’t jack of all trades but they believe in knowing a bit about every trade. They spend so much time developing themselves into experts in their chosen field and they soon outclass every other person to top place.

Unlimited men radiate happiness. They are always smiling, joyful and they make others catch it too. They always want others around them smiling and happy and they know that by just creating a happy, joyful aura around themselves others can catch it too.

Unlimited men are firm. They make decisions and take decisions once they are certain about it. Though they listen to the advice of people, they don’t easily shift base when they are unconvinced about the advice. They choose to stand their ground even if everyone tells them they are wrong.

Unlimited men fear God. They honour God and his word more than anything else. They wouldn’t seek to do anything that displeases Him because they are aware they are nothing without Him. They know that the world is controlled by God and their success infinitely ends at his table.

Unlimited men are winsome. They act in a pleasant and attractive manner to show exemplary conduct. They are often positively engaging, warm and exuding so much confidence around them. they are charming and likable.

Unlimited men always brings an extra into everything they do. They carry extra energy and knowledge that amazes everyone around them. they are always looked in awe because they seem to always have that extra knowledge that others don’t have.

Unlimited men are faithful and faith full to any course they have commissioned their minds to perform. They are faithful in business practices and to their family. They keep to their words and let it bind them. They are faith full, always anticipating better of a situation however bad the present situation may seem. They see the future and that’s what keeps their faith burning

Unlimited men dare. However risky the situation, they take the risk anyway. Limitations are overcome by daring unlimited men  who in spite of the dangers they see in the present keep moving with faith that beyond the danger is the great benefit they are looking up to.

Unlimited men pray often. They communicate with God and draw inspiration from him  for the limiting challenges that they get to face over the course of their lives. The source of their faith is God who helps them become more than conquerors.

Unlimited men are not limited. Wherever people try to place limits, you won’t find them there. They love a free atmosphere  where everyone can showcase themselves the best way possible. They rise against those who are limit placers and will do all they can against them.

You have what it takes to be unlimited. You are that unlimited man.