Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Marked Men


A marked man is a man who has  being defined with certain signs for recognition. There are many reasons certain marks are placed on people. In many traditions, marks are placed to recognize the family origin or ancestral routes, and to show the hierarchy or position of the person.

Unlimited men are marked  for different reasons. They are defined by their ideals that makes them recognized anywhere they find themselves. They are also the targets for criticism, limit placing persons and situations that often arrives against them.

There always is this fire around unlimited men. No one can describe them better than the qualities that are associated with them. Their qualities tend to speak more for them than their physical presence.

Once you attain an unlimited status, you immediately become the cynosure of all eyes. The good, bad, ugly and beautiful watch you and watch out for you, for both good and bad attributes.

Competition thrives around unlimited marked men. This is because they are always found at the peak and every other competitor hopes they can catch up with them. Just staying up attracts attention and staying up for long attracts criticisms.

To be marked means you are gunning against general conventions. You are doing something everyone isn’t doing and you are getting a result everyone isn’t getting. Whatever you do that attracts result that others aren’t getting attracts some “how and why” questions.

In action thrillers, there sometimes is a major act who tries to war against the bad guys. The bad guys also try to make him the target often because of his genuine interest to do good things. He is marked.

Unlimited man, also become the target of negatively minded people whose thoughts are geared  not to positively influence but to bring him down. One could reach a level in life where his  security is not guaranteed. At this level, he may be marked for assassinations. He thus have to protect himself with extra security details. This is the reason why unlimited men often find themselves around security details.

The higher one goes, the less secure he becomes. Even if the unlimited man thinks he is secure, others around him may become less secure because they know that they could as well be the target. This is why top politicians and very important personalities are crowded with security details along with their family members.

Unlimited men are often careful. They don’t talk because everyone is talking. They check what they say because it could mean a lot for those who are against them. because they are marked, they find themselves at the center of critical analysis.

Society generally cast a doubt on the unlimited man often because they think he is too ambitious and perhaps oppressive. Because he seems to have a way around his situations, he naturally attracts the envy of people.

In spite of the negative attention that the unlimited man may have, he is marked for more achievement. The more challenges one faces, the more opportunities for achievements. He gets recommendation from people higher than himself  and he easily gets the chance to climb higher.

The unlimited man is marked for awards. There is chance that he would be awarded and increasingly encouraged which will further spur him against the limits that certainly arrive.

The unlimited man is marked for increased financial remuneration. The better and more renowned one becomes at what he does, chance is, more pay will arrive and a better quality of life will result.

The unlimited man is marked for an achieving lifestyle. When people of achieved status are called in society, the unlimited will be there.

History finds a way to have the unlimited man in it. History celebrates him while he is alive and when he dies, he finds his way to books and lives on for generations.

The unlimited man is marked for celebration. No one loves to celebrate mediocrity. Everyone wants to celebrate a person who has served in spite of the challenges that arrived while serving. Only great people are celebrated and the unlimited man falls there.

The unlimited man is marked for greatness. His influence is felt in business  and government. He influences society and causes the type of change that society appreciates.

In spite of the limits that characterizes the unlimited man, he always arises to outshine the limits. You too can. Be unlimited.