Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Talking Out Limits


Our mouth is a very uncanny weapon. Great people understand its power and they perfect the art of using it. Unlimited men are great talkers. They are great at talking away their limits. When they see a limiting bar, they talk tough about their capacity to overcome them even if others think they can’t.

When a wrestling bout is organized between two wrestlers, the promoter of the match give them the opportunity to talk their way by a war of words. You’d hear the wrestlers boast about how they would finish the other opponent  even if the size of the opponent tells the opposite. Some persons may say its empty boast, but the unlimited man says its talking tough.

The mouth may seem a little member but it boasts of great things. Martin Luther King junior is only remembered by his speeches that summarized his struggle against segregation in America. Nelson Mandela is remembered by the things he said against apartheid. It seems that when certain limits have been overcome, what people remembered is what was said by the limit movers against the limits.

Great actions accompany very good oratory. Hitler and Stalin, two of history’s wicked dictators were great orators. They talked their ambition first and convinced people to see with them. Abraham Lincoln had to talk first before the slave trade could be abandoned. Britain’s Churchill is only remembered for his brief “never, never give up” speech even when that was not the only thing he did.

When you are faced with a limit, it’s time to talk. Pastor Enoch Adeboye a notable preacher shared to his congregation how that he talks himself into the day by confessing his success through the day in spite of the challenge the day will bring. He looks into the mirror and tells the person he sees that he is going to have a great day every day.

You’ve perhaps heard about confessing right. The world rotates around words. It is only after the moth has said what the heart pondered that the act is activated. One may think over and over about a thing but the moment he speaks it out, it walks into reality.

Our words are the first reality of what our minds have thought and planned for. A historical story in the bible tells of how early men agreed to build towers to reach God. They first said “let us build a tower to reach the heavens so that we can see God”.

We actually become what arrives from our mouth. It’s not just enough to think. Yes, as a man thinks, so he is, but a man becomes only after he has spoken his thought.

When our mouth speaks, it means the heart is actually filled. The mouth only speaks what the heart has pondered upon and can no longer take in. In the multitude of the hearts ponderings does the mouth speak.

Your limitations are only defined by your confessions. However huge they seem, it’s you making it so. The biblical story of David and goliath is a typical example. Goliath was huge and a limitation posed against a small David. David should have being wary of him but he wasn’t. After Goliath had rendered a blow rendering speech, David responded with an even more volatile speech that propelled him to act first. Goliath was down before long. It is not how huge your limitations are that matters, it is what you say.

The limits we face are limits we allow when we talk ourselves under them. When you say “I can’t”, you never will. A movie I watched  featured a coach and his team. For years, this team had never gone beyond the qualifiers for the local town championships, however, the coach thought his team was good enough to make a challenge for the national championship and to win it. All he did was talk his team to seeing what he saw. He believed his attackers were the best in the nation. He saw brilliant defenders, and marvelous midfielders. These players were not even average when he picked them but his faith and talks of motivation inspired his team to winning all the championships leading to the national championship which they ended up winning.

Leicester city, the winner of the English premiership 2015/16 season were not the best team for the bets. They had a bunch of players who were considered not football worthy by even the least premiership standards and a coach who had won nothing through his long career. All the coach did was talking the team into contention.

If you think your limits are huge, off course they are but if you say it, they remain huge. You have to learn to speak like the limits don’t matter. See the end from the beginning. Talk away the limits and about the achievement to be attained.

Keep saying it even if you don’t believe it, someday you will believe what you say.