Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Ideas Breaks Limits


Many of society’s challenges hang around waiting for that one big idea. A radio station in my city often poses itself as the one big idea that my city had waited to have. Amazingly, however big limits are, the idea that solves them are sometimes minuet but powerful ideas.

Limitations that had challenged man since history were not overcome by men who just watched. They were overcome by men who dared to “think” out ideas.

While we have being fed with the belief that we need to work hard, what we really need is think hard. If we spent more time thinking, we’d end up spending less time working. Those who actually work hard at hard labor actually end up famished in the long run. Those who spend more time thinking out their ideas first end up doing less over time.

The men and women who invented modern day solutions had ideas. Our electric bulb was an idea, our automobile was an idea. Only after the idea is through does the labor become worth the effort and time spent.

Limits come down in the face of the right idea. A man who has to jump a tall fence will first have to think. He would just jump at getting over the fence else he may end up not getting over it. he has to think of a means, develop an idea and then get at it.

When one is faced with limit placing problems, there is actually a limit removing idea hanging around. Ideas rule the world and the world runs to that man who has the right ideas to solve its plethora of challenges.

Ninety percent of what is on the internet is “how to do”. We are always looking for how to get something done. The how is the idea. People get to the internet because it supplies them with the ideas to get their problems solved.

Any man who is able to supply ideas is highly wanted. Companies regard such men highly and keep them as assets. I read  a story of a particular boss who paid so much to a particular staff who appear at the company once over a long time. The other staff were unhappy that the boss was paying that much. When they complained, the boss told them that the other staff were working at the company because of the idea of that man.

Ideas can be very valuable. Coca-Cola was a drink that was once sold in kettles in a little town in America. Today it sold in bottle and can because one man sold the idea that if Coca-Cola was placed in bottles it can be drank in faraway lands. Coca-Cola is drunk all over the world and that man’s family is enjoying a percentage of the profit from each bottle of Coca-Cola sold.

Ideas are always protected because of its huge value. When a scientist invents a thing, he patents it so that no other person uses it except permission is obtained from him. The value of ideas is enormous. Imagine that the entire automobile in the world arrived because one man known as Karl Benz decided he had an idea. How about the many electric bulbs across the word because one man known as Edison could think of an idea?

Your idea has a global value. So many persons across the world could find solution to their problems just because you managed to find your one solution idea

Does your idea have value? Yes it does, No matter how little it may seem. I often allow open discussion with my staff and people around me to air their idea because it could just be that little but only idea that could get us the breakthrough we need.

When faced with that limit, it’s on you to turn it on. Truth is, the idea always lies there inside us until we get it out. I encourage my staff to be creative and think of doing something extraordinary. When you see a problem, you’ve got an idea.

All those scientists and inventor don’t have two heads. They have similar brains like you do. The difference is they worked out an idea and got something done. You have everything that you need and who knows, HIV/AID, Ebola and other deadly diseases could get a cure from just your little idea. You could even be building a global conglomerate that will empower millions.

The next big thing may just be the next idea you’d pop out of that brain. Go about finding it. It’s in you.