Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Aspiring To Break The Limits


In the previous chapter, we’ve seen that limitations abound around us. As a matter of fact, we are limits bound, however great achievers don’t allow the limits they face deter them. They learn to jump over the limits to get ahead to new challenges.

After coming through the university and reminiscing what had seemed like a horrible few years down the line, I discovered that if I had accepted to do nothing, I would have come through her defeated and deflated. While going through the challenges and limitations that began to build after getting into the university, what I never gave up was my aspiring capacity. I kept looking at the better picture. I believed that at the end of the road, I’d be coming through amongst the best students in class. I did not just believe, I continued to aspire.

When the men who designed the rocket began at it, they found themselves encumbered by the limits that gravity placed. They were unaware of the velocity that their machine was expected to reach to be able to get past it. but they kept working at their aspiration till the limit was broken and the first rocket got into space.

Great achievements are faced with limits of barriers and barricades that we have to force away. People who don’t understand this cower immediately they find themselves hit a wall. They fail to realize that behind the wall are huge possibilities. They give up.

The man with huge possibilities keeps his position intact. He sees beyond the wall. He knows that it’s only natural that the wall forms because what he wants is huge, huge enough to attract walls of devils. He lets the end point fuel him, thus pushing the wall away.

Aspirations are ever continuous. The man who has great aspirations keeps on aspiring. You don’t stop aspiring except you are accepting your death sentence. Our aspirations increase infinitesimally. The moment we break the limits, we discover that a new limit immediately forms beyond our new stage and soon we will discover that our new stage isn’t enough, there is something more that we want. We just have to keep aspiring.

Limits are only broken by the man who shows intense desire to break them. it’s not just enough to know there are limits. If you stay there, that’s where you will remain. You have to do something about it.

The world’s greatest inventions arrived because of the limitations the inventors faced. When the wright brothers made their plane, gliders and balloons were in vogue. True, they were used to fly but these machines had their limitations. They were not durable. The wright brothers saw the limitations and thought that if they could design a mechanical system that could fly, it would be better than the balloon or glider. When they started, people laughed at the possibility of their machine seeing light. They placed limits around it and showed them why it was impossible for them to take up such task. Well these brothers wouldn’t accept defeat from people who couldn’t see what they saw. They aspired to fly in their own mechanical machine made by their own hands. Guess what? You are still reading about them since 1914 when they succeeded at their invention.

When I set out to produce my magazine “my college soars”, all I had was just the idea and the aspiration to see a copy of that magazine in the hands of students. I felt a huge burden in my heart and this fueled my aspiration. I shared it with a couple of persons who thought I was being a bit too ambitious. Sure I was ambitious. It was an aspiration and it had to be fuelled with my being ambitious about it. I did not let what some persons said stop me from aspiring to have my magazine even if it was only for one edition. I kept telling people about it until I met one person who believed it along with me.

Your aspiration has to reach a forceful level where however thick the walls of limits form against it, you can still pull them down. Aspiration isn’t a wish. A wish carries no substance of energy, it is merely a statement. A wish becomes an aspiration when you are propelled with vigor to push for it, when it becomes the essence of your existence.

Breaking limits often involve firstly asking “why” questions. We have to look for the reason for the limit. We have to ask question like “why is this forming around me?” “why is this happening at this time?” When we understand the “why” we set at the next question “what”. We ask questions like “what can be done to get a solution. The next question is “when”. The question is “when should the solution arrive?” The last question is “where”, “where should the solution arrive at?” Your aspiration is not complete if you don’t find answers to these four types of questions.

The man who wants to break the limits must know the problem of the limit, find out the solution that can arrive for the problem, define a specific time for which the solution must arrive and the place the solution must happen at, then he sets himself to get it done with all his might.

Limits are only broken by the men who will dare to go against it. Mediocres don’t break limits; only people with  forceful capacity, men with tenacity who see the big things beyond the wall. These are the men who will definitely go places.

You have to be courageous while pushing for that big position that you know you should be at. Don’t just wish for it, aspire for it, carry fire to spur it and never retire except you have what you want.