Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Demand For Unlimited Men


When I wake in the morning I listen to the BBC or watch the CNN. I’m amazed at the plethora of problems that faces our world which have no solutions; wars, foot shortages, famine, health troubles etc. Men have being working hard at finding solutions to problems and there has never being enough solutions to the plethora of problem that raise their head every day, new challenges that require new techniques.

Today’s challenges has become increasingly knotty than it used to be. People are dazed at the propensity of the challenges that has overwhelmed today’s man and the world seems in short supply, the type of men who carry the unlimited mien to overcome these challenges. You are very much needed, a man with an unlimited capacity to solve problems.

In a world of many problems needing solutions, it will take men with purpose who see solutions and think solutions to overcome them. We don’t necessarily need to be the cause of our problems to find solutions. The myriad of problems hanging around our community, states and nations are more than enough to propel us to work and walk against them

Many of todays’ inventions were as a result of  societal and community problems and not necessarily the challenges of the inventors. The inventors just thought that since society has the need for this , they could just go ahead and find solutions.

While as a final year first degree student undertaking our projects, my supervisors would often ask for the societal relevance of our designs. They assume that we had to look at solving problems in society. True to his words, we’d go about developing projects that had societal value and relevance.

The automobile by Karl Benz arrived because  he sought for better means of transportation than horse carriages . Edison’s electric bulb arrived because he thought society needed a better lightening system than the kerosene or naphthalene lamp. There was always a solution that arrived because men thought that what was the statuesque wasn’t good enough.

We are inundated with new designs of vehicles, planes, phone, etc. because people are not thinking that what is available is good enough. What is available comes with its limitation.

My supervisors always expected to see an improvement on designs already done and why we thought ours was a better design. The expectation of every project produced was to add to knowledge of what was already in the know. The students often pick the design they hope to improve on, look out for critical faults and inadequacies that could be worked on and they begin at restructuring the old design to efficiently find a solution to the challenges of the old design.

We still have no found the cure for illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola and a whole lot of others. These are challenges posed in the face of scientist and pharmacist who have to keep at their analysis and experiments till the solution arrived. As our society becomes increasingly more complex, new set of challenges arises that’s requiring the creative ingenuity of unlimited thinking men.

Today’s plane isn’t the same type or structure that the wright brothers designed. There have being complex improvements with improved capacity, speed and convenience. That hasn’t stopped the chance of air crashes though. We are still faced with the same crash that killed the wright brothers. There have being creative designers who are working at finding solutions to plane crashes by developing new ideas. They are not accepting the limitations of today. They believe in a safer air travel and they are doing all they can to provide that.

You are aware that around you are numerous challenges that are placing limits to better quality of life for your community, family and country. The question you may struggle  to answer is “what are you doing about it?”. the conflicts in society are as a result of the divergent difference between the challenges and the men who should supply solutions.

You are that man with unlimited capacity to bring about the difference that the society needs. Look for those agents of limitation and seek to pull them down. Senegalese musical icon Akon is showing this attribute as he strives to light up Africa with solar energy. Many communities have been lighted because of his creativity at helping out to solve the limits that stand as a result of the lack of electric supply.

Some persons may say they are not wealthy to be able to supply the needs that characterize their society limits. If you think this way, know that you don’t have to have so much to be a solution. Your idea can be worth much more than your money.

Society isn’t looking for people with money and wealth to solve its problems. It is looking for men with guts who in spite of the challenge of not having money will make a solution. These men know that money certainly finds a way to arrive when the reason is right and the push for it is persistent enough.

Whatever limits have been placed around us and beyond us that stands to stop us from becoming the better person that we should be, the only person who is good enough to break it is an unlimited you. You can’t afford to begin to look elsewhere. No one suite the right characteristics. Why should someone else do?

Now you’ve got to change your mentality. You have all it takes. You just have to push and keep pushing.