Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma as independent justice

When someone runs into a bad luck, people point finger at him, connecting his bad karma in this life to the misfortune or loss, the person has suffered.  To some extent, this is acceptable, but not in all cases.  Sometimes the misfortunes are due to chance happenings.  The same person may also be lucky to hit a jackpot sometime in his life to which his opponents will comment on his shining luck or put forward any astrological reasons.

Karma, good or bad, always creates a spontaneous consequence.  This consequence may not affect the person immediately, or in the case of bad karma, the person may find ways to evade the consequence temporarily.  The consequence is there to stay during his lifetime, which will provide independent justice to him and/ or his family members anytime during his lifetime or after his death.  A man murders another and goes in hiding.  During this hiding period, he suffers extreme mental trauma, while his family too suffers.  The future of his children could also be in jeopardy without the money and guidance of the father. 

The consequence of karma never leaves anyone without its effect, bad or good; it is only a matter of time for the effect to show on the person.

 Sometimes, outwardly the evil person seems to be doing well and in good shape, but investigation into his private life will reveal the diseases; he is suffering from, his family in upheaval and his business in trouble with tax people and creditors.  Sometimes, such people suddenly commit suicide to the amazement of others.  Such people know within themselves only what they have been going through.  With their evil ways, they do not have many friends to confide in.  If people knew about his already dwindling business and strained personal life; how weak he has become, mentally, physically and financially, they would immediately take advantage of the situation.  Therefore, the next alternative for such unfortunate lot is, to commit suicide.

Sometimes, very smart and cunning people evade the long hands of the law.  They remain sure footed for years into their evil ways of drug smuggling, rape, murder, cheating, violence and dominating the underworld.  Though this carries on for years and people are amazed and frustrated to see them still ruling the evil empire, the consequences of the bad karmas keep accumulating slowly but steadily.  Suddenly, they are into several troubles at one time.  They are unable to face the consequences all at the same time.  They turn weak and ultimately give up and face the consequences of their evil karmas one by one or meet with one blow of a violent ending.

In the same way, if you happen to be doing good karma all along you will reflect this in your appearance and personality.  You will find help and respect from most everyone during your lifetime.  In addition, sometimes when you are in a fix and cannot get out of the situation, you will find a stranger coming to your rescue or even someone whom you had helped or spoken to politely, in the past, come and bail you out of the situation.

No deity or supernatural power punishes or rewards you for the bad or good karma, only the consequences of your own karma that you need to face during your lifetime or when you are dead and gone, to be confronted by your loved ones.  The consequences of your karma are borne, maybe infinitesimal, by your country people or even the people of the world.