Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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The divine karmic laws

Science may not have been able to prove the karmic laws so much so interwoven in the lives of mankind.  This karmic laws which may have been in existence since the time  the first action took place in the universe and shall carry on until the universe stops and turns into several non-moving particles of atoms.  The karmic law is simple and somewhat based upon the Newton’s third law “actions having equal and opposite reactions”.  In the karmic laws, the reaction may or may not be equal to the actions.  In the karmic laws the actions generates from the thoughts, words, activities or behavior of the person. 

Newton’s third law is based upon physical matters.  However, karmic laws are spiritual and based upon metaphysical reactions.  Even though, the ultimate results of the karmic consequences are mostly visible physically, the consequences are unseen and only metaphysical, until such time the consequences manifests itself in the form of punishment, loss or misfortune directly or indirectly related to the evil karma of the person.  For example, an employee regularly steals from the stores, is one day caught, he commits suicide.  In this case, i. Stealing is the evil karma, ii.  The resulting effect, till he is not caught is metaphysical consequence of the karma, iii.  The suicide is physical manifestation of the consequence of the evil karma.

The divine law of karma is clear.  When the bad or negative karma is due to innocence or unknowingly, it generates a very insignificant consequence.  When it is due to carelessness it generates a moderate consequence, but when the evil karma is intentional and with a motive to harm someone, the consequence is serious and the punishment severe; sometime more or sometimes less than the quantity of the evil karma committed.  This is why sometimes you hear people commenting how someone was not punished adequately for all the evil deeds he may have committed during his lifetime.  Also sometimes people comment how a person was so severely punished for such a small crime he committed.

The divine laws of karma ultimately allow the person to self-realize all his faults and all the bad karmas he may have committed throughout his life.  Generally, bad karmas are performed with happy disposition, without realizing its effect later in life, the consequences are borne in the future, which are extremely painful, leaving the person regretting eternally.  Ultimately, before death every person becomes good and nullifies all his bad karmas committed during his lifetime.  This works like two water tanks.  When two water tanks in the same level are connected at the bottom level with a common pipe the water filled in one tank will pass through this common pipe bringing the level of water in both the tanks at a level continuously.  When the pipe to one tank is cocked (shut), only one tank will fill while another will remain empty.  When the common pipe is unlocked the water will pass through the filled tank till such time the empty tank will come at exactly the same level as the once fully filled tank.  In the same way when we commit several bad karmas, we realize the repercussion and try to avoid those later in life.  We keep learning from our past unhealthy actions.  How fast we learn and how fast we reform ourselves is how fast we can nullify our bad and negative karmas and bring it at par with good and positive karmas.  If we are unfortunate and unable to reform ourselves, which unfortunately, majority of us do, we only reform and nullify our bad and evil karmas just before our death.  We realize and repent for all the negative and evil deeds we may have committed.  Our body and mind then are so tired and weak that we are unable to express our repentance to tell everyone around that we are sorry for our evil ways.  This we show by the tears in our eyes and a fixed glance at our loved ones around until we breathe our last.  Like the filled and empty tanks; at the last hours before death an equal amount of repentance flow from our heart to fill the empty tank of good karma to nullify the balance of the bad karma in our lives.  Before we die we nullify all the bad karmas in our lives and close the chapter.  However, this bad karma which we nullify is only spiritual or metaphysical.  At our deathbed, we cannot nullify the material side of the consequences which remain to haunt our family and loved ones.  This material side of the sin remains for the loved ones to suffer the consequences.  For example, any bank loan default will attract the attachment of the property of the deceased.  The dependents of the deceased will definitely suffer the consequences.  This is why natural deaths generally occur to people at old age, when the person retires and hands over all the responsibilities to their grown up children.  This way nature allows him time to repent and realize all his evil ways and reform himself by doing good karma.  If the person reforms and nullifies his bad karma during his lifetime, he has a peaceful death without any significant regret.  He proves his reformation by good deeds and pleasant ways.  He dies a happy man by showing the world that he realized his mistakes and he paid for it during his lifetime.

It is therefore, necessary to note that in one’s worship and prayer the showering of flowery praises to one’s god or supernatural power, taught in their holy books or by their priests, is not at all worthy; worthy is the regret for all the bad karmas committed and the remorse one has for his deeds.  When he reforms, resolving never to hurt others and do only good karma for the rest of his life, he nullifies much of his past negative deeds and go on to do mostly good karma for the rest of his life.

Each one of us will necessarily have to perform karmas; our karma will stop with our death only.  From breathing, eating, naturally occurring activities to working and sleeping are all our daily routine; karmas which we shall compulsorily need to perform.  As we necessarily have to perform karmas in our lifetime, we need to perform it correctly.  With the correct way of breathing, sleeping, thinking, cleaning ourselves after naturally occurring activities, we create good karmas for ourselves.  These almost unnoticed and insignificant regarded activities are in fact the backbone to good health and good consequences in our lives, which pay us dividend all the time until we breathe our last.

Small and insignificant karmas in our lifetime go on to accumulate and create a bank of good or bad karmas later in life. Clean food habits, clean living habits, healthy attitude, and disposition towards life will ultimately leave you with good mental and physical health.  Even insignificant activity like thorough brushing of teeth and a clean bath everyday goes a long way to showing a shining set of teeth at 60 or 70 year of age.  All routine activities seem to be a drag for most people for which they suffer the consequences later in life, generally after 40 year of age, when age start  showing up with  years of self-abuse and slipshod living style, it is then too late to recover from those abuses completely.  Significant healthy changes can improve the person provided he regrets his past and promises in the future to respect himself physically and spiritually too. 

The divine laws of karma attach much significance to the power of the mind.  Mind controls our four pillars: thoughts, actions, words and behavior, all these four pillars are the slaves of the five senses, which gives rise to passion, expectation, desire, ambition, and greed.  These four pillars remain in control and in limitation when the mind is strong enough to keep them under control.  If a person could keep a 100% control over his four pillars through the power of his mind, he were himself to become a divine being; this may happen in the rarest of the rare cases, as most of us are mortal human beings with little control over our mind and the attractions for the worldly pleasures.   

Man by nature is impatient.  When man performs any duty, he seeks the reward immediately.  He does not stop for a moment to observe the nature which ceaselessly provides all the gifts of nature and amenities to us without seeking any reward.  Yes, it is necessary to get the reward to survive, but we seek reward with greed, mostly to fulfill the greed of our eyes, rather than our stomach.  How much money would you need to live a day? Not much, but when we work day and night we amass excess wealth which we may never need in our lifetime, this is counterproductive karma unless we keep distributing the wealth amongst the needy or use it for noble causes. 

Finally, we all need to remember that the divine laws of karma will punish us or reward us according to our own karmic actions.  We will all fall sick and most of us get diseases by the time we are old.  We fall into bad times and we become slaves to misery and suffering.  Each one of us will pay for our karmas differently.  No two-death experiences will be alike, no two miseries and suffering will be alike, and no two experiences in the same disease will be alike.  With the framing of our destiny due to our karmic actions during our lifetime, we will all experience our share of the death, pain, suffering, and malady differently.

Karmic actions are in chains, one action today will give rise to another action tomorrow and then beyond.  If the chain is of good karmic action, the future actions and consequences will be good, while bad actions will result in bad future actions and consequences.  For example- you pass high school and want to become a lawyer, this is a current karma.  Next future karma is for you to study law and become a lawyer.  In the future karmas, you practice law and make a career and go on to become a successful lawyer.  These are a set of productive and positive karmas.  However, a child who never study and move in bad company, this is his current karma, he becomes a thief, his future karma, and in his next future karmas he goes to prison for theft on regular basis.  These are a set of unproductive and negative karmas.