Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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The power of Bad Karma.

We are all aware of what bad karma or deeds in our lives could do to us, yet we do not stop short indulging in bad karmas.  Not all bad karmas are cognizable under the law; most even go unnoticed day after day.  Infinitesimal bad karmas are mostly included in our daily routine and it goes unnoticed by us, maybe unintentionally.  The most common examples of simple bad karmas are killing red ants instead of sifting them away from our food.  Not responding to little animals and birds which may come to our door or windowsill for food and water; moving away from people in need of help; carrying a bottle of water and not offering it to someone thirsty and without water; unnecessarily being rude when message could have been given politely, are all little examples of such bad karmas.  We should be sensitive to our surroundings and to the need of our neighbors.  Even bad karma stems from not remaining clean and indulging in unhygienic acts not befitting a clean person.  There are endless examples of bad karma which could be noticed by your very own self when you observe others and keep a control of your thoughts words, actions, and behavior.  All these seems infinitesimal but believe me when you perform these bad karmas day after day, month after month and year after year, it becomes a part of you and like a recurring deposit in your bank, you get to accumulate such bad karma in a large sum.  Even though it is not illegal and a crime to amass such bad karma by practicing it for a lifetime but as I said nature is smarter than mankind, it collects the consequences in small doses and when you accumulate a large volume of bad karma it suddenly manifests upon your life unprepared.  You moan and groan to everyone about the misery that befalls you.  Everyone sympathizes with you for being such a noble person undergoing such hardship, least realizing the effects of infinitesimal bad karmas that you collected in your lifetime.  There is no such book of dos and don’ts about what bad karma is and what is not.  As a child, you may have studies moral science which you may read again to gain some insight.  Suffice to say that when you step in to use your thoughts, actions, and words, the first thing that should occur to you is; if it is correct and reasonable.  For insignificant and day-to-day activities, maybe a split second thought may provide you with the answer.


Then we have the middle level bad karma which again, is not cognizable in the eye of law but equally bad, morally and extremely self-harming. As grownups, few people tell us what to do and what not to.  Some of us may gorge into all delicious food lying on the table.  If someone politely comments on our appetite, we laugh it off and attribute the misdemeanor to our palate.  This bad karma, the sum product of our palate and mind; is a great killer. It is the sum product of our palate and mind, because when our palate is pampered and spoilt like a spoilt child, it does not want to stop doing what it enjoys doing.  In this case, it is the eating of those rich creamy, buttery, and sugary delicatessens or barbequed meat, washed down with a pint of lager or a flared glass of red wine.  When our mind is weak, we are unable to control the greed of our palate, like those weak parents who are unable to control their children, spoil to the core.  We all know the endless and terminal diseases like obesity, hypertension, cancer, liver, and kidney ailments that many foods offer us, which we need not elaborate here.  Suffice to say that bad karma of this type kills us without dignity.  Dying with terminal diseases in hospitals and dying after long-suffering is undignified and is the product of our bad karma that we accumulate in years.  Other middle level bad karmas are interfering into other people’s lives, being inquisitive about others, mentally torturing and inflicting pain upon others, not keeping promises or offering empty promises, not being sensitive and thoughtful  and   a reckless lifestyle, all are bad karma which will show results on the person in a short span of time.  The personality and the mental quality of the person will keep declining and gradually people will detest and ignore him.  Such people, incidentally and strangely do not appeal, even to a new group of people, who at the outset will discount them as a scoundrel without even knowing his past deeds.  Bad karma, by the happenings of nature leaves a mark on your personality, body language, words that you use, connecting your eyes with others and even ,sometimes your dress language.  As I said and I am saying it again, nature is smarter than we are, it lets our bad karma inflict suffering upon us as punishment for our deeds.  We are an autonomous body which may inflict pain upon others and then earn pain and misery upon ourselves.  It almost follows the principal of book keeping, where every debit has an equal amount of credit. However, this is not an end to the intensity of bad karma in a man.  Then we have the higher level of bad karma which is punishable not only by the laws of the countries but also in two different ways.


Bad karma of the highest level includes rape, murder, robbery, stealing, drug peddling, and what not.  All these crimes are cognizable under any law and the criminal is punished with imprisonment.  The first punishment comes as fine to the exchequer and an imprisonment for a given term.  Then the second punishment is the suffering of the family, generally the dependents of the criminal who not only suffers financially but also are ridiculed and ostracized by the society for the deeds of the criminal.  Finally, when the criminal completes his term of imprisonment and he is set free to re start his life, he does not find any taker.  Such people go back to their old ways where they have ready contacts to earn a fast buck or if they have the will to reform, they are into menial and small jobs.


Bad karma of the criminals leaves them with a sick soul, unless they are willing to reform themselves, see their lives from a different perspective, and acknowledge their responsibilities in the society they live in.  Otherwise, they are aimless wanderers mentally as well as physically.  They only remain a parasite to the society as well as to their family.  They have no mission in life, save harm others.


The power of bad karma creates bad people, bad and negative vibes, and an unhealthy society.  Some successful criminals are regarded as role models by petty criminals in the making.  They build up a large bank of followers who admires the courage and the ability of such criminals in performing crimes and getting away from the law.  This way such criminals influence others to criminal ways.  Maybe not all of these boys would become full time or full-fledged successful criminals, but they acquire the mental capability and the mind set to perform criminal activities.  They are ready to harm others and in the process, negative activities go round anyway.


Bad karma will always confront with the person and punish him for his deeds in whichever way, believe me there is no respite from this!