Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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The power of good karma.


Good karma or noble, righteous or virtuous deeds are inherent to mankind too.  Even the ugliest of the ugly man will have some virtuous quality in him. It is another thing that his bad karma is more glaring and shines like the headlight of an approaching vehicle, this is because he has made this, his signature and we never happened to interact with him ever.  Sometimes such people move and surprise us by being kind, generous, and helpful at the hour of need.  We remain ever grateful to him and in spite of his poor karma bank; we never fail to recollect his noble deed.  This quality, fortunately, is inherent to all mankind.  Good karma is a matter of self-hypnosis.  If we keep repeating to ourselves that we should not hurt others by our words, actions and thoughts; gradually we will reach a stage where we will mostly perform good karma and sometimes suffer in the process due to our generosity, emotions, sentiment, and kindness.  Such loss and sufferings are for good cause, never to be regretted.  Good karma is based upon this principle only.  When bad karma were to give you instant profit, good karma, logically, may put you into some losses sometimes.


The power of good karma is not to be underestimated.  People like Lord Gautama Buddha and Lord Mahavira and other saints who walked this earth were enlightened ones and with their good karma, they created a powerful mind which still rules a large part of the world.  Such names are associated with dignity and respect.  These great people even today, stand as an icon of selfless service to mankind.  They showed the way to billions of people since thousands of year gone by.  These names are synonymous with simple living and high thinking which they proved to the world, were valid and in force.  


The power of good karma can be seen in those people who rose from the scratch with little or no facility.  Their parents were not able to provide even the basic amenities to their children nor did they ever get help from their government or the local people.  Such people read under the streetlights and ate of the leftovers from the bin, begged or did petty errands to buy themselves bread.  Nevertheless, their karma was positive.  They found time to study and fulfill their dreams.  Some of them even rose to become the president of a flourishing country and some went on to become business tycoons.  The strength of positive karma releases only positive consequences and the results are before you.  If you investigate and unearth these facts, you will be able to find many such incidents where in spite of adverse living and working conditions some people, because of their good karma were successful and had risen to become an icon in their profession or field of activity.


Good karma in practicality allows you to shun and abhor dubious ways thus keeping you protected from harm and self-inflicting injury.  Injury and harm that would otherwise may have been caused to you by debauchery, alcohol, anger, animosity and other harmful attractions that are predominant in our society.