Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Overview  of good and bad karmas.


Good or bad karma, both have their own kind of powers.  While the bad karma is bent upon destroying you and all those connected to you, the good karma is the savior of you, those connected to you as well as the functioning of this entire planet.  Without good karma this planet would not have lasted for long.


My views sound so simple, yet how many of us believe or subscribe to this theory of bad and good karma and its effect upon us.  People are bent upon performing bad karma every now and then.  See the misery and suffering all over, see the people dying of dreaded diseases and criminals languishing in prisons.  Each day when you read the newspaper or watch the TV you come across news about crime and misdeeds.  Even those responsible people who run their countries are into performing bad karma.  They use languages and accuse each other as children do in schools.  They do not take time to think about the bad effect it has upon their relationship with other countries.  These are strange phenomenon and I personally believe that since school days children should be inculcated about the good and bad karma in their lives.  Ultimately, it is this karma that will rule them later in their lives, therefore, they should learn how and when to use their thoughts, actions and words with utmost precision to avoid conflicts and bad karma.


We all learn to perform certain activity in our lives.  We exercise our mind into performing an activity in sports, science, teaching, medicine, music or any other subject.  Unless we train our mind to it, we may never be able to perform those tasks with accuracy, same being the principle with good karma.  Since the time we are born, our parents, elders and teachers, all of them enlighten us about the good karma we need to perform all our lives.  We hear them all right but when we see them in action, we see bad karma flowing out of them, so the teaching what they may have given us is nullified and as we humans are great observers, we go to perform bad karma ourselves.  Therefore, generations after generations need to practice and perform good karma in order to inculcate good karma into our children.


What baffles me is our attachment to bad karma.  We may not perform or we may remain dormant to good karma but when it comes to doing something mischievous and ugly, we are at it instantly.  Why is this so?  Perhaps, like everything Satanic, bad karma always seems lucrative and attractive.  We, as human beings are very knave and greedy when it comes to finding something that may give us pleasure with little effort.  This may lead us into doing what we should never have done.  If you recall the incident of Adam eating of that forbidden apple, you will understand what I mean.  All those temptations and attractions in our lives betray us later in life and we are foolish enough to run after it.  If we stop for a while, go through the history or case study, and look back at the outcome of those attractions, we will think twice before leaping into the same bandwagon.  This is the outcome of good karma too when you refrain and turn away from performing and inviting bad karma into your life.


Someone asked me how he would perform holy or good deeds to make his God happy, I asked him to refrain from doing bad and unholy deeds.  We should not specifically run after doing good karma or deeds.  Our actions should be spontaneous and without much thought.  For instance, someone drops his money purse, we return it to him, or someone desperately needs help, we offer it to him.  However, if we perform good karma with an intention to attract peoples’ attention it is bad and nullified.  Some people go all out to publicly announce their charitable ways and do good karma to get a ticket to heaven.  These are neutral karma and cannot be recognized as karma at all.  I notice such people making offerings in different ways much against their wishes or their actual nature.  The body language, their appearance their deeds all go against each other and are in disharmony.  When such people try to perform good karma by offering money, food and other charitable ways their ways are so artificial and mechanical that it reflects through their movements and expressions.  That they are most uninterested in whatever little good karma they are doing becomes glaring and visible to others with some sensitivity and insight into human behavior.  They do it for the sake of doing it or as a ritual but not with love, kindness, and devotion.