Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma that harms, karma that heals.

When some karma harms you, you stop doing those karma, you then start to heal; same way, when some karma heals you and you stop doing it, you become vulnerable to harm full effects.  Since healing and harming is the opposite of each other, when one heals, the other harms and when one harms the other heals.  This chapter is therefore, based upon this basic principle.

In this modern time with fast living style, we are no more saints or holy people with lots of time in hand to go around performing good karma to heal our souls and ourselves.  However, there are some basic rules which when followed will definitely heal us.  This is the principle of neutrality, meaning remain neutral and composed in most situations and do not get alarmed at trifles.  This is the most powerful karma a man can possess in seeking peace in life.  If you see people performing bad karma and you are unable to stop them lest they harm you, remain neutral or inform the police, but do not get excited and harm yourself.  Similarly, sometimes we are in the company of undesirable people without any choice, we need to accept the fact and remain neutral.  If your talk would create animosity, remain calm.  Anger and contradictions only harms us, just forget the situation and be calm. Always think positive and about creativity and contribution to your society in any form.  When you think of destruction and violence, you only harm yourself and degrade your mental capability.  The simplest way to heal yourself is do what is logical, beneficial, helpful to others, based upon reasons and commonsense.  When your conscience remains clean and your mind free of negative thoughts you heal yourself.  When you have more time, follow the principles of the great spiritual leaders and saints and you partly become one of them.  Unfortunately, if you follow the footsteps of those evil ones you may partly become one of them.

While neutrality gives you peace, compassion on the other hand opens your heart to deeds that gives you happiness.  Man cannot live in peace alone; man needs happiness too.  Compassion allows you to heal yourself and compassion opens the door to healthy activities as against neutrality where you remain inactive and composed to any adverse situation.  Without compassion, your life remains unfulfilled.  Without compassion, you cannot meditate nor can you see life from a humane point of view.