Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Rule your body with your karma


Meet people, ask those who are happy and healthy, why do they look so good and fresh, and ask those who look diseased and morose, why do they look older than their age and in misery.  Such people normally may not be able to provide you with the correct answer or reasons.  Not because they do not want to provide you with the answer but because it did not occur to them why they look and feel good or bad.  Man unconsciously respects or disrespects his own self and treats himself the way he feels comfortable.  Man being the king of his own karma has the full right to treat himself the way he wishes and the way he desires to treat himself.  There is no law to stop him from smoking, drinking or eating as much as he wishes.  He can self-abuse himself to the point of no return.  All is fair for any man to treat himself the way he wishes except committing suicide or partaking of drugs in any form, or such similar illegal activities.  However, unfortunately, people who indulge in such self-abuse, do not realize the outcome of their sedentary habits, debauchery and or abuse in the form of food or habits.  They would attribute their illness, misery and suffering to over work and old age.  This is not true and such people may feel offended, if their lifestyle and habits are pointed out and attributed to the illness and misery in their lives.  They will generally, never accept the fact that, their diseases are directly related to the self-abuse they had been committing on themselves year after year.  They will show you examples of people who are healthy and happy in spite of indulging in self-abuse.  What such people do not realize is some people can endure self-abuse better than others can, but eventually such self-abuse catches up with them too.  Man should not be blind to their bad karma that they inflict upon themselves.  Some people are good and helpful but they do not realize that they are inflicting suffering upon their body by indulging in wrongful ways which ultimately becomes responsible for the breakdown of their physiological system and put them in the path of suffering, diseases and misery.  Once the physical self of the person is diseased and begins to get dysfunctional and disoriented, it gradually affects the mind too.  Mind influences the body and the body influences the mind.  Either way, if one side of the man, physical or spiritual, gets dysfunctional, he will gradually have his body as well as his mind into the suffering.  In due course, when the mind too accepts the physical dysfunction, it gets tired of the physical abnormalities and challenges which show sign of collapsing or giving in to diseases and illnesses.  From here onwards there is no point of return and the diseases dominate the person’s body as well as the mind, unfortunately, it becomes terminal , the man becoming a patient and the patient turning into a corpse  in due course of time. Life and death is with all but bad karma brings you an undignified ending.


The best way a man can rule his body and life is to learn how to respect his body or himself.  You may call it "maintenance of own-self".  When we learn what kills us slowly and what heals us slowly, we lean to accept certain things and refrain from certain things in our lives.  Maintenance of our body is the first essential towards ruling our physiological self.  Eating of those, that will nourish our body; activities to tone our muscle and keep us clean, hygienic and energized.  Our body talks to us, if we can only hear to what it wants to tell us, we will definitely keep well and keep all illnesses and diseases at bay.  When we are born, we have smooth skin and as we reach our teens, our skin glows, but with time we start to earn and money gets into our pocket.  This is when we use that money to buy ourselves whatever we feel will make us happy and comfortable.  This is when we begin to injure our body.  The on slaughter continues for years until such time our physicians only advises us to refrain from all those activities that we had been indulging ourselves in, since the time money found a place in our pocket and we learnt to use it for purposes other than those which were necessary in our lives. 


Sometimes people are over cautious in spending their money on themselves.  They prefer to remain an absolute saint without ever spending any dime on themselves, this is bad too, and it ultimately brings misery on them.  There are people who earn and establish themselves in a very hard way and save every dime to realize their dream or greed of property, shops and new businesses.  They do realize their dreams working day and night, but at the cost of their health.  They are people who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, liver dysfunction, arthritis, and other ailments.  By not spending on the maintenance of their body and making it work day after day, year after year, the body starts to weaken and diseases thrive therein.  Diseases take such people by surprise because they claim they never touched any harmful intoxicant, yet they are in for such diseases.  What they do not realize is, by not respecting their body and ignoring the nourishment and exercise regimen, they let their body depreciate while they let their bank balance and assets appreciate.  We cannot work in a one-way traffic.  We need to look at our limbs, our organs and our skin to feel and realize if they are getting tired, shriveled, undue pain and weakness.  It takes less than a minute a day to observe these small signals, yet we prefer to ignore them totally.  The universal thumb rule is, if you ignore a signal from your body, you are in, for trouble, no matter what it may be.  You may be the king of your own being and your own doing, but remember even kings have their bad times and downfall becomes inevitable.  In the same way if you do not respect your body and isolate or ignore signals to impending diseases, like a strong fort; in time, it will crumble and your empire will be doomed.


It is therefore, imperative, each day of your life you check for signs in your body for any pain, undue weakness, and symptoms.  Feed your body with only those which may benefit your body all day long.  Drink plenty of water and juices to keep yourself hydrated.  Exercise and play games to warm up your limbs and biomechanics in general.  It also keeps your heart healthy and strong.  Occasionally, indulging in activities that may harm your body is sometimes acceptable. Nevertheless, when you do it, keep in mind it is harming your body, this way you will not indulge in it all the time.  This is self-hypnosis -a deterrent.