Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Intentions and karma.


It is strange, sometimes when we see bad people who throughout their lives committed bad karma, suddenly turn philanthropic and charitable.  They begin to move in different circles and meet with influential people already into charitable work.  They suddenly establish these charitable organizations and help people, are kind to them and speak kind words.  It is such a relief to the eye and ear.  We thank the Almighty for those changes in the mind and hearts of these people.


We humans are naive and see all things superficially.  Most of us do not bother to see the hidden reasons for the sudden changes in these people.  If you delve deep into their intentions, you will unearth a mine of warped and selfish reason that will unfold before your eyes.  Their good karma is in fact a bundle of bad karma with a good outer layer, like a duet ice-lolly having two flavors, one inside, and another outside.


After having amassed wealth and fortune for themselves, they, at a later stage, prefer to build a strong goodwill for themselves and their family, in order to wipe out the bad reputation they enjoyed so long. In fact, in their heart of hearts, they know much more about their evil ways than others do.  They are guilty and conscious of the fact and therefore, try to put up a good show.  This is not all; sometimes their intentions are to contest elections, as they have sufficient money and the support of local thugs, both of which are necessary to win any election.  Sometimes they are into charitable work with an intention to woo public and private funds, most of which are diverted into their own kitty. 


This world is a strange place to know and live in.  Sometimes, you will come across people who are regarded as notorious and repulsive. Incidentally, such people come to your help and rescue and after they have done what they had to, for you, they leave a completely different impression about themselves.  Such people with a history of bad karma suddenly perform good karma and all with good intentions and voluntarily, much to your dismay.


We all know mankind has a complex character; one moment he may be kind, the next moment, aggressive.  Therefore, anyone can perform good karma and bad karma all at the same time and in the same breath.  None of us is a complete saint or a devil.  Therefore, we cannot generalize someone only doing bad karma or only doing good karma.  We are aware of a person’s one side, the side that we are exposed to good or bad.  When we hear about the good or bad side of the person, we are moved or taken aback.  This is natural and we should always keep in mind that none of us perform only good or only bad karmas. Yes, the percentage from good to bad may vary.


In your karmas lie your intentions and in your intentions lies your karma, either way; good or bad.  It is never necessary that all the good karmas that people perform may show signs of good karma or all the bad karmas people perform will show signs of bad karma.  Sometimes, parents do not indulge in extravagant expenditure, showing signs of being a miser, they show themselves to be short of money, what they do, is save for children’s education or marriage or any unforeseen calamity; this is good karma with no outer sign.  Intentions are very personal and secretive.  Even the writing of this book may have an intention which the publisher or the readers may never know.  The intention could be to make money, to awaken people to a cause, to impress someone or to seek fame as an author.  So long, the intention is noble and pro-public; it is regarded as good karma.