Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Good karma in hard facts of life.


Did you ever stop to think; whatever tempts you in life betrays you later?  For instance, rich food, extravagant life style, debauchery, and luxury are all great betrayers in life. In contrast, those which are reality and touch your life all the time are those which stay with you during your good as well as bad times.  Sincerity, discipline, education, and all such facts only lead you to good karma.


It is natural to while away our time with friends, before TV or any pursuit that gives us pleasure and momentary happiness.  We also prefer to glance through glossy magazines and surf through so many entertainment sites on the web.  We would also like to frequent eateries and pubs to spend time and nights out.  We all would like to sleep long hours and go for a long drive to refresh ourselves.  If all of us could do only this and not work for a living, our lives would have been so perfect to live for a while; yes, for a while because all these would ultimately have a severe backlash in our lives, in the long run.  Diabetes, arthritis, poverty, obesity, kidney and other organ failures would naturally greet us, once our quota of good times was over.  This is bad karma in disguise.  Over indulgence in these would naturally kill us one day.


Our good karma is fastened to only facts.  With each life is fastened, the reality of birth, growth, misery, suffering, pleasures, and ultimately death.  None of us can ever escape these six pillars of life, unless there is an unnatural death at birth itself.


At the outset education, work, simple food and simple life style all seem so boring and repulsive.  It sounds middle class or meant for struggling family only.  This is why most children from middle section of the society are able to perform well in their studies and in their careers.  They have the least facilities and distractions.  They are mostly bound by the routine of their daily lives, almost similar to their grandparent’s and parent’s.  They are provided with simple meals, routine life style and least distractions.  Their distractions may be some sports or a restricted TV program, selected mostly by the parents.  However, this is a chain; when these children succeed in their career and reach an affluent level, their life style mostly change and their children are provided with luxury and distractions.  This is when the life style of their children is different and luxurious food and distractions are introduced to them.  Their children in return, mostly show signs of poor performance and early symptoms of diseases.  However, this is not necessary in all cases but this chain happens gradually, post one or two generations.

Man is built to work and live like a nomad.  With sedentary habits and modern living style, we have been under-using our biomechanics and surviving abilities.  We mostly use our mind in most work and leave the manual tasks to lower section of the workers.  We have made hurry, stress, instant, and fast our pet words.  We are all racing against time.  This is a chain reaction and a sign that the world is progressing materially, rapidly.  Different regions of the world need some kind of material goods or services urgently and the repercussion is felt by everyone in line.  Therefore, everyone is hurrying to pacify someone at some place around the world.  This form of life style is injurious and reduces the quality of our mind and spirit.  We are so much engrossed in catering to the world commercially that we let our spiritual side die a slow death.


As humans, we need to chalk out our daily strategy and do as much we can without compromising on the quality of our thoughts and spiritual ability.  We should restrict our life style to only those which help us improve materially as well as spiritually.  Occasional deviation from the routine lifestyle is natural and permissible.  This is a part of our experience and exploration of the other side of life.


Animals play, eat, and sleep- this is their routine lifestyle.  We are built with the power of reasoning and superior limbs so we also think, work and earn to survive.  However, we should not forget the routine of the animals and necessarily introduce the routine play, eat, and sleep into our lives.  Whatever we do, whoever we are, timely meals and sleep will always keep us healthy while a little play will see us through our ageing process.


There is no escape from the boring routine of life’s best gifts of sleep, simple foods and knowledge.  Sleep, you have to, without which you cannot function.  Simple foods keep you healthy and nourished; without food you cannot survive.  Knowledge gives you the ability and power to deal with situations.  Even if you never went to school, knowledge by observation remain with you and you learn all on your own how to survive in this world.  With better and long-term education, you become versatile in certain branch of knowledge and can survive better and in a more dignified way.


Therefore, we necessarily need to remember that all our good karma is hidden in the hard facts of life.  We need to respect and honor, all we see as boring and routine in our lives, without which we may never be able to survive successfully.

Karma and religions.

Each one of us owes allegiance to a religion.  Even though we may never have faith in the religion we profess, but by law, we need officially to follow a religion to fill up government/school and different forms where the column for religion needs to be filled in compulsorily.  Even at birth and death, the need to mention and find a suitable resting place becomes imperative to mention the religion we follow.

Religion has confused mankind into believing different gods and the way of life.  Each religion claiming to be better than the other is.  If we use our logical mind, we will conclude that each one of us has to be born, grow, die and each one of us has to struggle and find a survival strategy; within this, are the happiness, suffering, and misery that we all encounter.  Whichever religion you profess, you will experience these elements of life and no one can escape these basic facts from birth until death.  So where does religion help us.  The death of one is no different from the other!  The survival of one is no different from the other and the success and failure of one is no different from the other.  So where does religion lead us?  The formation of religion by itself is faulty.  The words and teachings of the saints to some extent were acceptable and respected.  However, when those teachings were formed into religions, it lost its original meanings and became a playground of rituals and ceremonies.  Religions came to reform mankind.  However, their sermons were different at different times by different saints at different regions, some claiming their Gods to be several, while others claiming it to be only one.  Some, just not believing in Gods and advising their followers to believe in themselves.  This way, with all the religions there is an utter confusion in the world.  As time is passing by, we see more confusion and more splitting of the religions due to different interpretations by different scholars of their very own clan.

People are so overwhelmed and carried away by their religions and their saints that they refuse to see reasons otherwise.  Time is near when, for every step one will take, one will discuss with one’s religious head before that one-step is put forward.  What people forget is birth, growth, death is common to all, there is as much discomfort in birth, growth, and death for the follower of one religion as it is for the other.  The God of one does not provide any incentive or bonus to one type of follower anyway.  There is misery, suffering, happiness, bright and dark sides of survival for all people of all the religions of the world.  Yet man is so foolish as to kill each other, plot, and plan to harm and each other all in the name of religion, without realizing the logical aspect of the same.

It is time people renounce religion and standardize their life to brotherhood- as we all live and survive in the same way from one end of the world to another.  Unless this is done, the light of peace cannot be found anywhere across the globe.  Logically, we are a failure and we have put enough materialism into our religion for us to harm each other, irrespective of who and what we are.  We narrow down our preference of people and their faith and then target them as our enemies or opponents.  We do not, even for a second, stop and think if we are right in doing so.

Good karma will only emit from the philosophy of brotherhood and sentient-ism, meaning love for all living beings.  Unless we see, reasons into bringing a reform into thinking healthy and liberally, we are doomed and our posterity will suffer.  It is not about black, white, yellow races or Asians and Hispanics or American and Europeans, it is about innocent people who are following their faith religiously and ignorant of the facts of their faiths.  People are ignorant and prefer to do all what has been handed down to them since their ancestors.  This is what they feel is correct and true.  Even though in a tiny corner in their mind, there is that logic about the truth and variety of all religions, yet they prefer to let that tiny part in their mind sleep and carry on, with what others are doing.  This is to avoid social stigma and being ostracized from the society.  They feel why go into controversy and antagonize the society when things are running fine. One has to break free from this hypothesis, called religion which is eating into each one of us, one day only to wipe out the world, if not suitably discouraged now.

If you look up history, most new religions were established by the power of swords and violence.  Only two religions, Jainism and Buddhism won the peoples’ heart by words of kindness and compassion.  Even today, people are looking for ways to conduct their lives in a peaceful way.  With religion being compulsory in the society, it does not allow anyone to break free or renounce his religious belief.  The need to identify himself in the society as well as in official documentation, the need to find a suitable place to dispose him on death, compels one to continue with their religious belief.  If a country could recognize a non-religious person, who would renounce his religion and if that country could, built a cemetery for burning or burying dead bodies of non-religious people, many people would officially renounce their religions and be happy practicing brotherhood instead.

Religions have done more harm, taken more lives, and let people spend their precious times from the already limited span, in undue religious activities.  The time and money spent in religious activities around the world runs into billions of dollars.  Lives lost in religious disputes runs into billions and the sacrifice of innocent creatures in the names of religions, left billions of such innocent creatures abused and dead.  All these are bad karmas and the results of these bad karmas are evident today.  As the time is passing, religious activities are getting stronger with nothing constructive or beneficial to mankind.  All those billions of dollars; had it been spent in the welfare of mankind, this world would have been different and blissful.  Similarly, the time spend in religious worshipping and celebrations, if spent on purposeful activities, such as in the welfare of children, old people, the earth and its environment; man and all sentient beings in this world would have seen the brighter side of nature and  lived a happier, healthier life and with lesser misery and suffering.

Finally, it is to be noted that religion is only confusion.  Religions instruct its followers to punish the wrong.  What is wrong is confusing.  Wrong in the eye of one is right in the eye of another.  In addition, religious activities and conducting one’s life according to religious beliefs only aggravates one’s life and mostly negative karmas are performed.  Religious activities are mostly based upon myths and fables, hence activities based upon myths and fables   are mostly negative.