Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and medicines.

 Medicines; all the time there is research going on all over the world, yet we find, with newer medicines there are newer diseases, more potent and life threatening.  Therefore, we are a confused lot, when it comes to modernization in so many newer fields.  Foremost is medicine which is being challenged by newer diseases all the time.  The proof is in the wellness centers and the advanced disease management centers all over the world.  They are mushrooming rapidly and fast turning into a major money making industry.  Why is this so?  If our medicines could control all the illnesses all over the world all the time with utmost sincerity, we would have diseases and illnesses within our control, but this is not so, the race between medicine and malady continues, one inching forward than the other all the time all over the world.  It is time, someone, somewhere and somehow took stock of this situation and primarily took stock of the diseases since a century ago.  Then analyze the diseases and its cures.  When the analysis is sincere and complete, we may be able to find the answers to stop the malady in our lives. This would be the day of good karma and all will benefit from this.  Now we are into a whirlpool of diagnostics, therapies, disease management, and what not.  The cure of one leads us into another disease; the cause could be the branching off the disease or the side effect of the medicines, we take to cure ourselves.  Whatever it may be; there is always a loss of health and wealth in this system of practice, which needs to be redefined from its roots.  This may not be very healthy for the wellness industries which thrive upon ill and diseased nations.  So, maybe such a noble cause may not be funded appropriately to see the light of the day.  The good karma is to find ways to reduce diseases and illnesses keeping in view our lifestyle, what we eat and how we lead our lives and under what conditions.  First, this has to be analyzed with the patterns that existed when man did not have so many diseases, then analyzing the properties of the medicines, which has serious side effect in the short as well as in long term uses.  If man could control the onset of the diseases there would be little or no need for potent and hazardous medicines in our lives.  Once the nations learn what is good or bad for them, they will stick on to it slowly and steadily.  In earlier days fewer people had colas as a thirst quencher, but today the cola industries have expanded worldwide to become giant business.  We have thriving tobacco  and alcohol industries, the consumption of which is increasing by leaps and bounds , firstly with the  multiplying population, secondly with more consumption per head and thirdly with the boom in the economy of most countries.  With more money in hand, we are killing ourselves, man, as well as women.