Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and enlightenment

Only with the right combination of thoughts, actions and food, man can achieve what each one of us needs to achieve in his lifetime, enlightenment!

Enlightenment is achieved by self-realization and in finding ultimate truth in all what we see and even cannot see in the world of ours.  Once we learn to see things from a different perspective, meaning not superficially, we learn to see the truth in it.  For instance, we can spend hours worshipping any god and in whichever way we desire, this is not enlightenment.  When we learn to respect time, which we spend in unnecessary worshipping and instead use that much time in helping and teaching others, we tread the road to enlightenment.  Similarly, praising any god and thanking him for all the food on the table for oneself and one’s family, is no enlightenment.  Instead, when the thought of  those hungry children all over the world, who do not even get a morsel of boiled rice or those roadside animals, who cannot even beg or express their hunger, comes into our mind then, is a step to enlightenment.  Sometimes, a glass of milk awaits us on the table.  We lift the glass and gulp down the milk in a routine way.  If we are enlightened, we will have difficulty in gulping down that glass of milk, for the thought of that calf that was deprived of the glass of milk will definitely disturb the mind.  People feast and celebrate with the flesh food of the dead animals; enlightened ones or those into the road of enlightenment,  are disturbed by the very thought of celebrating at the cost of the lives of those innocent creatures which withered in pain a little while ago, before its flesh found its way on the banquet table for the celebration.

Enlightenment is a definite road to good karma.  Unfortunately, people who are extremely religious and call themselves pious and holy are in fact not enlightened; they are misguided and lean on hypothesis of their own religion and their own world.  They see everything from their own perspective and find their god in everything they see.  What they cannot see is the similarity of their philosophy that exists in other religions as well; like praising gods for good things in life, blaming luck and misfortune or punishment for sinning attributed to all losses and disasters. Happenings of miracles are coincidence, similar to finding prayers being  answered.  Praying their gods to pardon the sins of even a hard-core criminal, on his death, hanging of religious charms and pages from scriptures and imaginary pictures of gods and saints, for prosperity and to ward off evil spirits, are all delusions.  Celebrating religious festivals and sacrificing animals to please gods.  Religious people see and identify others only by their religion, unless they have to get their work done by the people from other religions. They detest and look down upon people from all other religions except their own.  They are the epitome of bad karma.  They misinterpret the meaning of enlightenment and  claim themselves to be enlightened; far from it, they are hypocrites, they misinterpret their own religious scriptures, kill each other in the name of religion and they can even join hands with folks from other religions if their purpose has to be achieved.  Once over, they will turn their face and walk away.  These people are dangerous and harmful to the society.

True enlightenment and self-realization will automatically filter out the bad karma in a man.  Being human, one cannot be hundred percent perfect.  Enlightened ones are sensitive to their surroundings and to their words and actions.  Even if they make mistakes and offend others, they will definitely seek pardon and will defuse any ill feelings, for humility is at their core.

Enlightened people do not go out of the way in pleasing any god; they are true to themselves and their surroundings consisting of the environment, fellow beings, the natural surroundings, other sentient beings, and all which touches their lives.  When you are true and sincere in every step of your life, you do not need to please anyone; most everyone is pleased with you.  This is the true philosophy of enlightenment. 

Enlightenment and self-realization teaches you to be upright and true, it does not teach you to please specific people or power.  Only those who cannot bend the enlightened ones are displeased with them, for they are unable to dominate or make them believe in hypothesis and fables.

The true test of enlightenment is in the control of passion, expectation, desire, ambition, and greed and the detachment from worldly pleasures, indifferent to worldly fame and fortunes.  Giving a fair and correct view or opinion on any subject without the intention of pleasing anyone in particular is also an approach towards enlightenment, as being neutral to religions, politics, and all those partisan-ism.  Compassion, love, and kindness towards all living beings and the environment in general are observed by them.

Most people around the world would seek material benefit in return, for the job done.  This is their way to survival.  Most people would only do a very small favor without seeking any benefit in return, unless it is their pet or some close relative or loved ones.  It is only when someone goes out of their way to help people in distress or organize helping hands on regular basis to help others without seeking any benefit in return, are enlightened.  Such people know the universal truth of survival.  No religion or god will ever come to help people, unless people themselves help each other.

Enlightenment is found in self-realization.  Seeking to unlock the universal truth in our existence and the existence of the universe and all that in it will one day open up the truth to the seeker.  This will definitely change the views and divert the mind to only live and believe in the truth of our existence, turning away from the myths, fables, fairytales, illogical and whimsical ideologies called religions.  The basis to the road of enlightenment is to believe in birth, growth, death and in between the pleasures and sufferings.  This is common to all of us and when the first man or any living being set its foot on this earth, he must have experienced all of these five pillars of lives.  The last living being to survive on this planet, will face the same five pillars of life until he dies. Whether you follow religion A, B or C, these religions will only let you live in a world of imagination and hope, it will never allow you to cultivate your own inner power, for, with religion your power of thinking and self-realization, are limited to what you are taught and made to believe in.

Finally, for a healthy death experience, one need to lighten one’s burden of the bad karmas that one did during one’s lifetime.  It is only when, we self-realize and bring our mind and all the attractions of this world into our control can we steer ourselves away from the consequences of any bad karma.  For this, we need to exercise our mind and develop and succeed in keeping our mind and body in strict control from the worldly pleasures and treasures.  This is enlightenment and only enlightenment will enable us to find a peaceful death experience, which happens only once during one’s lifetime.