Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and  country and its people.

At times, you wonder why in spite of all the honesty, sincerity, and hard work you have not been able to wipe out the misery and sufferings in your life.  If you analyze your situation you will divide the karma into your very own and those of the country and its people that effect you and others.

Foremost is the infrastructure of the country, you live in.  Sometimes you do feel that, it would have been better had you migrated to another prosperous country, where your hard work, sincerity and honest would have paid you off.  What makes you think this way?  Again, it is the infrastructure of the country.  Your sincerity, honesty and hard work remaining constant, what would make the difference in your life is the ability of your preferred country in harnessing and recognizing your qualities.  You can think of migrating for better life, when you only know that the other country has better infrastructure for its citizens, than the country you live in.  Again, why does another country have better infrastructure, than your country of origin?  The karma of your country people and the government that run the country is responsible for most misery in the lives of its people.  If the quality of the citizens is good, the government is good, adversely, if the quality of the citizens is poor, the government is bad.  This is why, around the world, we have “developed countries”, “developing countries”, and “underdeveloped countries”.  If you check out the quality of the citizens and the quality of the governments and make a comparative statement of its style of functioning, economy, policies and public facilities, you will get firsthand information of, what I want to tell you.  In underdeveloped and so-called developing countries, you have mostly uneducated and irresponsible masses, which are lazy and live off charity, begging and casual income with rising population, misery, suffering, malady and unrest in most part of the country.  Facilities are so bare that, even thinking of coming close to any developed country is far beyond one’s imagination in these parts of the world.  These countries and its people ultimately become staunch politically and religiously.  They have all sorts of religious rituals, even for a small occasion for prosperity and wealth.  Much time and wealth are wasted on political, religious and mass celebrations.  Logic and morality are lost words and people mostly guide their lives with their religious dictum.  The country folks are divided fiercely over religious and political ideologies.  There is always breach of peace and religious and political fronts are exploited by active participants to harbor criminal and illegal activities and extort money from its citizens.  Goons and hoodlums are employed with arms and ammunitions, to protect their religions and political factions.  With rising unemployment, such religious and political groups offer protection service to its patrons.  Patrons in return also get facility for arm-twisting their opponents.  The country is alive and people live within, but lives are wasted and from their citizens a very small percentage of lifetime contribution is derived as compared to developed countries, where citizens are responsible and contribute to their work full scale with healthy return and living facilities.  Here, karma of the citizens and their countries or government plays an important role in utilizing the ability of its country people.

Even though you may be a very honest, sincere and hard working person, if the karma of your country people and the government, that runs the country, is unhealthy and pitiable, you and others like you, who form a very small percentage of the total population of the country, run the risk of wasting your and their lives.  This prompts you and them in seeking to migrate to another country for personal qualities to be recognized and utilized.  In the same way, people who are otherwise useless, lazy and insincere in their work, form a very small percentage of the population, lives in a country, which cares for its citizens and with responsible country people, will enjoy much better facilities and remain happy in spite of all their anomaly and adverse qualities as citizens.  Since they form a very small percentage of the country’s population, they are parasites on the country people and the contributions towards them, are negligible and therefore, do not affect the economy of the country.

It is unfortunate that people who perform good karma in a country with bad karmic citizens and its government, have to suffer for no fault of theirs.  They form a small percentage and put in all their sincerity for the masses that are useless and undisciplined lots living off the exchequer.  Most citizens in these countries have political affinity and while away their time in their place of work.  They do not deserve the money; they are paid for the job badly done.  Such people also form a part of the bureaucracy; naturally, the formation and running of the government and its policies are also defective and un-progressive.  So, the bad karma of the majority country people ruins and keeps the country behind in spite of a handful of people, who are all out to see the development and progress of the country and its people.  Unfortunately, this is the prevailing rule world over and all of us have to accept and recognize this inherent phenomenon.

Did you ever stop and think why some people are fortunate while some are unfortunate?  People from the same country with similar background are different and enjoy different living conditions.  This is because so many karmic consequences influence their lives.  How each one is influenced by their country’s environment, their near and dear ones, their friends, and neighbors?  Every little things matter, the karmic consequences of all these people are partly responsible, for the living conditions of each one of us.  This is why, it is mandatory for each one of us to ensure good karma towards our country and our people.  When we throw garbage in open areas, spit on the road, let dying dogs and rodents decompose in the open roadsides and in general maintain a careless attitude towards hygiene and cleanliness of our streets and country in particular, we are only inviting trouble for our posterity.  Children born and brought up in such environment will surely find these unhygienic ways, a way of life and contribute in further deteriorating the living conditions.  The country will have diseased citizens with unfortunate living conditions.  Since the country is made up of people like you and me, naturally our karmic consequences are responsible for our misery, malady and suffering.  People like you and me again are diverse, consisting of different religious groups, castes, sects, region, language, race and origin.  With such diverse people in one nation, the karmic actions are bound to be diverse and negative most of the time.  It is imperative, therefore, for everyone, for one’s own sake and for the sake of one’s children to harmonize one’s actions to a single melting pot.  Diversity will only generate bad and negative karmas and generations after generations will be chained to the negative consequences fired by our arrogance, passion, and pride.  Only a deep analysis can enlighten us of this karmic truth.

The people of the world at large have abused the earth in different ways at different times.  We have abused the earth, sky, water, air and natural resources.  We have abused animals, humans, aqua life, birds, greeneries and vegetation.  We have disharmonized the earth and its living beings.  The consequences of the negative karmic actions have produced innumerable unfavorable conditions in which we live and thrive today.  Where is happiness gone?  What you see, of the modern technologies are only pleasures; Flat screen TV, air-conditioned limousines , state of the art cell phones, laptops and electronic gadgets.  These are all pleasure providing, with the passing of time the pleasure will wear out and the newer ones will replace and provide new pleasure to the user.  This is not happiness.  Happiness comes from small things in life.  Wishing someone on   birthdays, anniversaries, surprises, words of care and moments of thoughtfulness and showering love in general are all little examples of love and care, leading to some happiness. In the earlier times, people carved out time to meet with each other and spend time together.  You can still find this type of behavior amongst people in small towns and villages.  Togetherness in communities and among near and dear ones goes a long way in providing security for each other.  These positive karmas produce positive consequences. 

Karmic actions of the country’s government and the majority of its people including our own near and dear ones, therefore, go to make or break the country and its people. It is unfortunate; most of us do not recognize this individually and continue to abuse our home, streets, society and the country by using slipshod methods in conducting our lives.