Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and trade

Trade and commerce are based upon trust and goodwill.  This is why it takes a long time for a new business house to establish its reputation while equally it takes a long time for an established business house to lose its goodwill for poor supplies and bad business practice.  Reputation in business takes long to establish and once established , in spite of poor business policy, the company still remain in business for a long time before it can shut shop due to lack of patronage.

Karma in business as well as in profession plays a very important role.  Materially the most important ingredient that is at stake in business is money and goods.  The business house and the customer, both rely on each other while transacting business.  Each one has faith on the other and expects the other to deliver his side of the values honestly.  When each one responsibly closes the transaction honestly and sincerely, the karma is good and healthy.  Both parties to the transaction prosper and continue doing business until such time they are able to make profit and prosper.  But unfortunately, when one or both sides hoodwink the other, either or both parties run a loss in the business and prosperity and the trust is lost.  This is bad karma in the part of the one with bad intentions, actions and practice.

People performing bad karma in business at the end, land up losing much and are caught in the whirlpool of complex situations from which it becomes very difficult for them to escape.  This happens, because they get into the habit of cheating and hoodwinking people all the time.  When they lose control at any time, the aggrieved parties try to punish him one by one.  He finds no escape.  Such people are later in the news for committing suicide, homicide, murder, being in prison or losing control over their business.  They are in the news for wrong reasons.  Bad karma in business is never rewarding.  Business being a serious matter, the repercussion of the aggrieved, is equally potent and harmful.  The victims of bad karma are sometimes compelled to perform bad karma, themselves, by punishing their counterparts in business.  So the chain of bad karmas continues with the enmity and animosity of both parties in the business.