Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and science

What connection does science have with the spirituality of karma of mankind?  I would say nothing!  However, if you ask me what connection does karma have with science?  I would say much.

Today science is busy with health, wellness, and anti-ageing.  Worldwide, five-star wellness centers, hospitals and anti-ageing projects are mushrooming.  It has become a major industry having a worldwide turnover of billions of dollars.  Yet, with such advance technologies, sophisticated equipment, latest medicines and well trained physicians there is no slowing down of diseases and the admission of patients all over the world in all these hospitals and health centers.  Since science has nothing to do with karma and its consequences, it can never combat the diseases nor can it ever eradicate the malady that ails mankind.

Karma of mankind has everything to do with science and the welfare of mankind.  Diseases in people are either transmitted through their gene (DNA) or invited in our lives by our negative karmas.  Most of us today are a victim of our own anger, stress, frustration, complex and calculating thoughts, cunning plotting and planning, competitive spirits and always the hurry in whatever we do.  These ways for mankind is no less than suicidal.  Such behaviors and ways only releases adrenalin into our blood stream due to which we have elevated heart beats and a rise in the blood pressure, in return it may be the cause of  a heart attack or in younger people it may  raise the ageing process.  In time, we will find ourselves with minor health issues.  This minor health issues hide serious, if not, terminal diseases.  As we age our immunity is weakened and the serious or terminal diseases lying dormant within us slowly wakes up to threaten our lives.  We suddenly find ourselves seeking the help of different physicians for different types of ailments.  With a very small percentage of  progress in the diseases, sometimes it seem to be a part of  our physiology and we try and get used to it until one day  these diseases manifests themselves in a very imposing way.  With CT scan, X-Ray and MRI and what not, we are handed over reports of the impending danger in our lives.  There is no turning back.  These maladies in our lives are the sum products of all the consequences of our karmas during our lifetime.  If science takes recourse to the spiritual aspects of these karmic laws, it will definitely benefit in eradicating most diseases from our lives.  The karmic laws are responsible for harmony, peace, forgiveness, equality, discipline and above all the broadened and elated mental capability of mankind.  It teaches you how to have quality thoughts, words, actions and behaviors all the time to ultimately harvest within your very own selves the healthy ways which will reward you with benefits all the time instead of punishing you with the negative consequences.