Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and chance.

Karma produces consequences and is the direct result of your deeds, but a chance is a fluke and has nothing to do with one’s karma.  Sometimes a good person faces misfortune or bad person strikes gold from nowhere.

Chance is a matter of probability and it could greet anyone anytime, it has nothing to do with one’s karma.  People invariably equate chance happenings with the will of god or good or bad deeds.  This is ignorance and people like to believe what they want to.  Fact is, chance happening could strike anyone any time.  One could win a lottery, or die in a plane crash, find gold bar in a heap of garbage or be blown up in a coffee bar explosion.  Those, he helped and was loved by, will find the will of god unjust or blame it on luck for his premature death, and those he antagonized and was unpopular with, will point finger at his deeds.  These are all myths which people like believing in, to sooth themselves.  In reality, it is chance only which could change your destiny unknowingly.  Therefore, chance which could turn you rich overnight has nothing to do with your karma, in the same way; an accident which could devastate you overnight also has nothing to do with your karma.  This chance happening in your life is the beginning of a new set of karma that you will go about to perform.  If you win a lottery and come across a lot of money, your karma begins then.  It is how you spend that money.  If you rolled the green currency with tobacco and burnt it like a cigarette or spend it on your friends and family merry making and partying, the result is your new karma will gradually drown you and maybe leave you in a worst state that you were in, before you won that lottery.  Alternative, if you cautiously guarded and invested that money, as if you never won it, it is likely you will multiply the amount and see better days ahead of you.

Chance happenings, therefore, sometimes changes a life but should never be seen as a part of our karma, this is ignorance and a myth.