Master Tennis by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

What is so interesting about Tennis?



Tennis is quite a fun sport and is really quite interesting for many different reasons. Tennis can be played as a recreational activity or can be used as a form of exercise. There are also professional tennis players that make a large amount of money while playing a sport that they love.

You can play tennis against one other person or you can choose to play doubles. When playing doubles, most of the same rules apply. The only difference really is the fact that you will have a teammate instead of playing by yourself. Playing doubles is very exciting and can make the game twice as much fun.

Playing tennis is also a great social outlet. Playing this game will give you multiple opportunities to meet new people. This is true especially when you are using public tennis courts. These public courts will often have more than one court and this will give you the chance to make new friends and worthy tennis opponents.

Another benefit of tennis is the fact that it can be used as a form of physical therapy. The motion of your swing and the fact that you have to move around the court can be very beneficial for the body.

The following chapter will go over the basics of tennis and will also give you some examples of why the game of tennis is so interesting.