Master Tennis by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Why Choose Tennis?

The invention of the game tennis dates quite a far time back. It was actually created in 1873 by an Englishmen who was named Major Walter C. Wingfield. The game was called lawn tennis and was played on a court that was a different shape than what you see now. The courts were more of an hourglass shape and were widest towards the base line and became narrower near the net.

The reason that this game is still played today after all of these years is probably due to the fact that tennis is a very fun and interesting sport. There are many different things that make tennis interesting and worth playing. The following are some examples of what makes tennis so interesting and what separates it from other sports.

  • Limited Players

One of the things that makes tennis interesting and separates it from other sports is the fact that the game is played with a maximum of four players at any given time. As mentioned earlier, you can either play one on one or you can play doubles with a teammate. This will prevent you from becoming lost in the crowd that some other types of sports require in order to play. A smaller team will ensure that you will be able to participate in the sport much more.

  • Tennis is Formal

If you are a person who likes to dress nicely and act in an appropriate manner and like to be surrounded by the same type of people, tennis is perfect for you. If you have ever watched a game of tennis on TV, you have probably noticed that the players as well as everyone else there is dressed very nicely and acts in a very proper manner. In other words, you do not have to deal with the screaming and drinking fans that flood the stands in other types of sports such as football.

  • Health Benefits

Another thing that makes tennis so interesting is the fact that the game offers many health benefits and it can actually be used as a very effective means of exercise. You burn a lot of calories while you are playing tennis. This is due to the fact that you are always in motion and you run around quite a bit. You can basically get the same amount of exercise that you can get from using a treadmill, it just will not be boring. Also, as mentioned before, tennis can be used as a form of physical therapy. Games that are used for purposed such as physical therapy will of course be played at a slower pace and will not really be competitive, but it will still be fun.

  • Core Strength

Playing tennis is probably one of the best ways that there is to build core strength. If you ever take the time to look you will notice that tennis players always have flat stomachs and are very in shape. This is due to the fact that it actually takes a lot of strength from all parts of your body in order to play. Many people have the misconception that playing tennis is easy and will not help them get in shape. This is not the case, tennis is a very demanding sport and it can help you get yourself into shape quite quickly.

  • Social Sport

Another interesting thing about tennis is the fact that it can offer people an opportunity to conduct important events such as business meetings in a fun and interesting way. Constantly having meetings with a business partner in your office or at a coffee shop can become quite boring after a while. Try mixing things up a bit and arrange to meet at a tennis course for your next business meeting.

There are many different things that make tennis an extremely fun and interesting sport. No matter who you are or what type of person you are, you will surely find something about tennis that catches your interest. Give the game a try, I can almost guarantee that you will be hooked after your first match.
