Master Tennis by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Chapter 2:

Things You Need to Know about the Court



There are a lot of different elements and facts to know about tennis courts. Although the new tennis fan may not be able to tell the difference between the courts, the more popularly played surfaces, would include the clay court, the normal looking court and the grass courts.

It is important that you know the difference in these types of courts because they will have an impact on how you need to play. Some surfaces are slicker than others and some will allow you to use more spins on your swings. It is important that you practice on all types of tennis courts and become familiar with how to play on each type.

One of the things that makes professional tennis players so good at the sport is the fact that they know how to use different types of courts to their advantages. The following chapter will go over the basics when it comes to tennis courts and will provide you with some important information pertaining to tennis courts.